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  • bang

    英:[bæŋ] 美: [bæŋ] 

    bang 基本解释

    名词巨响; 猛击; 猛撞; 爆炸声


    不及物动词发出砰的一声,砰砰作响,砰地敲[推,扔]; 男性和(女性)性交


    bang 相关词组

    1. bang on : 正中目标(完全正确);

    2. with a bang : 砰地一声, 成功地, 热气腾腾地, 剧烈而突然地;

    bang 相关词组

    1. bang on : 正中目标(完全正确);

    2. with a bang : 砰地一声, 成功地, 热气腾腾地, 剧烈而突然地;

    bang 相关例句


    1. Tom banged the door.



    1. She heard someone bang at the door.


    1. There was a bang as the gun was fired.

    bang 网络释义

    1. 邦:场上情况对客队越来越不利,第 38 分钟,张 (Zhang) 邦 (Bang) 的射门从客队中路防守隙中穿过进网,进一步巩固领先优势, 2 - 0. 袁 (Yuan) 恩軒 (Enxuan) 为 lx11 取得领先 3 - 0,他自禁区右侧凌空抽射破门. 这时候 lx11 决定死守胜利.

    2. bang的翻译

    2. 砰:老板正在看一本书,名字叫<<砰>>(Bang). 这引起了我的兴趣,因为这是我的朋友琳达.卡普兰.泰勒(LindaKaplanThaler)写的. 她拥有自己的广告公司. 尽管琳达已经取得了很多成功,

    3. 猛击:同~and 串记:带子(band)绑,手(hand)出汗,沙滩(sand)有伞,登陆(land)难--尾字 为各单词除字母 d 外的谐音.同~ang 串记:猛击(bang)砰砰响(bang),吊死(hang)狗匪帮(gang).

    4. 帮:别(bie)看我的手小,作用可不小.我的小手会给外公捶背(chuibei),会帮(bang)妈妈收碗(wan),还会给爸爸倒(dao)水喝(he).我的小手会做(zuo)许多事情(shiqing),还会弹钢琴(tangangqin)呢(ne)!

    bang 词典解释

    1. 突然的巨响
        A bang is a sudden loud noise such as the noise of an explosion.

        e.g. I heard four or five loud bangs...
        e.g. She slammed the door with a bang...

    2. 发出巨响;砰然作响
        If something bangs, it makes a sudden loud noise, once or several times.


        e.g. The engine spat and banged.

    3. (使)砰的一声关上
        If you bang a door or if it bangs, it closes suddenly with a loud noise.

        e.g. ...the sound of doors banging...
        e.g. All up and down the street the windows bang shut...

    4. 猛击;砰然重击
        If you bang on something or if you bang it, you hit it hard, making a loud noise.


        e.g. We could bang on the desks and shout till they let us out...
        e.g. There is no point in shouting or banging the table.

    5. (因生气而)砰地放下,猛然放下
        If you bang something on something or if you bang it down, you quickly and violently put it on a surface, because you are angry.

        e.g. She banged his dinner on the table...
        e.g. He banged down the telephone.

    6. 撞伤(身体某一部位)
        If you bang a part of your body, you accidentally knock it against something and hurt yourself.

        e.g. She'd fainted and banged her head...
        e.g. He hurried into the hall, banging his shin against a chair in the darkness.

    7. (通常指由于未能注意到眼前的人或物)撞上
        If you bang into something or someone, you bump or knock them hard, usually because you are not looking where you are going.

        e.g. I didn't mean to bang into you...
        e.g. Various men kept banging into me in the narrow corridor.

    8. 刘海;额前短垂发
        Bangs are hair which is cut so that it hangs over your forehead.

        e.g. My bangs were cut short, but the rest of my hair was long.

    in BRIT, use 英国英语用 fringe

    9. 恰好;正巧;准确地
        You can use bang to emphasize expressions that indicate an exact position or an exact time.


        e.g. ...bang in the middle of the track...
        e.g. For once you leave bang on time for work.

    10. see also: big bang theory

    11. …告吹了;…完蛋了;…没戏了
          If you say bang goes something, you mean that it is now obvious that it cannot succeed or be achieved.


          e.g. There will be more work to do, not less. Bang goes the fantasy of retirement at 35.

    12. 精力充沛地;热情高涨地;非常成功地
          If something begins or ends with a bang, it begins or ends with a lot of energy, enthusiasm, or success.

          e.g. Her career began with a bang in 1986.

    13. to bang your head against a brick wall -> see brick
          to bang two people's heads together -> see head

    相关词组:bang on aboutbang outbang up

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