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  • brim

    英:[brɪm] 美: [brɪm] 

    brim 基本解释

    名词(浅底容器的)边缘; 突出的边沿

    不及物动词充盈,满; 溢出



    brim 相关例句


    1. She brimmed the cup with tea and offered it to me.


    1. We brim over with sympathy after she told us her sad story.

    2. Her eyes brimmed over with sympathetic tears.


    1. He filled the glass to the brim.

    brim 网络释义

    1. 边缘:Mei和Wardlaw(1994b,c)在建立这两个种时就巳明确指出,C.postbitteri不同于C.dukouensis 主要是有浑圆而不是钝圆的齿台后端,并有明显的后边缘(brim),并不是依据齿脊特征区别的.

    2. 缘:Mei和Wardlaw(1994b,c)在建立这两个种时就巳明确指出,C.postbitteri不同于C.dukouensis 主要是有浑圆而不是钝圆的齿台后端,并有明缘暮蟊缘(brim),并不是依据齿脊特征区别的.

    3. 边:brilliant 光耀式;钻石;光亮的 | brim 边 | brimstone 硫磺

    brim 词典解释

    1. (帽)檐
        The brim of a hat is the wide part that sticks outwards at the bottom.

        e.g. Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap.
        e.g. ...a flat black hat with a wide brim.

    She protected her head with a wide-brimmed straw-hat.
    ...a floppy-brimmed hat.

    2. 充满;充溢
        If someone or something is brimming with a particular quality, they are full of that quality.


        e.g. England are brimming with confidence after two straight wins in the tournament.

    3. 充满,充盈(泪水)
        When your eyes are brimming with tears, they are full of fluid because you are upset, although you are not actually crying.

        e.g. Michael looked at him imploringly, eyes brimming with tears.

    4. 装满;充满
        If something brims with particular things, it is packed full of them.

        e.g. The flowerbeds brim with a mixture of lilies and roses.

    5. (尤指容器)盛满,装满
        If something, especially a container, is filled to the brim or full to the brim with something, it is filled right up to the top.

        e.g. Richard filled her glass right up to the brim...
        e.g. The toilet was full to the brim with insects.

    6. 充满,洋溢(某种感情)
        If you are full to the brim with a particular emotion, you feel that emotion so strongly that it is stronger than all other emotions.

        e.g. Her heart beat so fast and she was full to the brim with joy.

    相关词组:brim over

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