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  • shore

    英:[ʃɔ:(r)] 美: [ʃɔr, ʃor] 

    shore 基本解释

    名词岸; 滨; 国家(尤指濒海国家); 支柱

    及物动词支撑; 支持

    shore 相关例句


    1. We have to shore up the damaged fence.


    1. We walked along the seashore.

    2. The sailor was held up while he was on shore.

    shore 网络释义

    1. 海岸:大海是每个孩子都向往的地方,如果带着孩子到海边旅行,踩着软绵绵的沙滩,看着一望无际的海岸(shore),恰巧捡到一只海螺(shell),把它放到孩子的耳旁(ear),孩子就能听到甜美(sweet)清亮(clear)的海洋之声(a sea song).

    shore 词典解释

    1. 海岸;河岸;湖滨
        The shores or the shore of a sea, lake, or wide river is the land along the edge of it. Someone who is on shore is on the land rather than on a ship.

        e.g. They walked down to the shore.
        e.g. ...elephants living on the shores of Lake Kariba...

    2. (国家或大洲的)区域,境内
        When someone or something reaches the shores of a country or continent, they arrive in that country or continent.

        e.g. It is feared that a similar epidemic will soon reach the shores of Europe...
        e.g. This youngster is another destined to leave these shores.

    You can use shore, coast, and beach to talk about the piece of land beside a stretch of water. The shore is the area of land along the edge of the sea, a lake, or a wide river. The coast is the area of land that lies alongside the sea. You may be referring just to the land close to the sea, or to a wider area that extends further inland. A beach is a flat area of sand or pebbles next to the sea.
    shore,coast 和 beach 都可以用来指大片水域的岸边陆地。shore 指海洋、湖泊或宽广的河流岸边陆地。coast 是沿海陆地区哉,既可以指紧靠海边的区域,也可以泛指沿海地区。beach 指海边的沙滩或碎石滩。

    相关词组:shore up

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