弘扬汉语古籍 传承国粹精华
  • shirt

    英:[ʃɜ:t] 美: [ʃɜ:rt] 

    shirt 基本解释

    1. lose one's shirt : 丧失全部财产;

    2. keep one's shirt on : 不发脾气, 忍耐;

    3. stuffed shirt : 自命不凡的人;

    shirt 相关词组

    1. lose one's shirt : 丧失全部财产;

    2. keep one's shirt on : 不发脾气, 忍耐;

    3. stuffed shirt : 自命不凡的人;

    shirt 情景对话


    A:What can I show you?


    B:Do you have this shirt in a small?

    A:Let me check. Yes, we have.

    B:May I try it on?

    A:Sure. Let me help you.


    A:What can I do for you?

    B:Do you have any blue shirts?

    A:Yes. What’s your size?

    B:I’m not familiar with American size.

    A:All right. Let me see. I think you’d wear a size 8.This shirt is size 8.
          好的,我想想看。我认为你应该穿8 号的,这件是8 号的。

    B:It’s pretty. May I try it on?

    A:Sure. The fitting room is over there.


    B:Thank you.



    A:What are your rates of laundry service?

    B:There's a rate chart in your folder in the dresser drawer, sir.

    A:I see. Well, would you please send someone to Room 528 to pick up some laundry for me?

    B:Yes, sir. I'll send someone immediately.
          好的,先生。我立即派人去。 ……

    A:I'd like to have these clothes washed.

    B:Could you please fill out the laundry form?

    A:OK. By the way, I'd like my silk shirt to be handwashed. Please use cold water, then it doesn't shrink.


    B:By hand in cold water. I see.

    A:I need them to be washed right away. Can you have them finished by tomorrow morning?


    B:Sorry, it won't be possible. It's already 10 o'clock. I'm afraid it's too late for today's laundry.Tomorrow afternoon is the soonest.

    A:Oh, no! I have a date at 11:00 tomorrow.

    B:We have a special three-hour service. We will deliver it within 3 hours, but it is 35% extra charge.

    A:I guess that will have to do.

    shirt 网络释义

    1. 衬衫:先纠正一下:衬衫,不是衬'杉' 衬衫(shirt) 按照穿着对象的不同分为男衬衫和女衬衫. 按照用途的不同可分为配西装的传统衬衫和外穿的休闲衬衫,前者是穿在内衣与外衣之间的款式,其袖窿较小便于穿着外套;后者因为单独穿用,袖窿可大,

    2. 衬衣:男装的装束由以下内容构成:衬衣(shirt)、紧身上衣(doublet)、夹克(jacket)、宽松短罩裤(tfunk hose)以及及膝的短裤(breeches)、威尼斯短裤(venetians). 人为化的造型和装饰仍然存在. 如松垂和鼓胀的宽松短罩裤(trunk

    3. 男衬衫:衬衫:按照穿着对象的不同分为男衬衫(shirt)和女衬衫(blouse). 按照用途的不同可分为配西装的传统衬衫和外穿的休闲衬衫,前者是穿在内衣与外衣之间的款式. 在造型上比较注意艾尚雪新款羽绒服与形体的协调. 裁剪时放松量适中,

    4. shirt什么意思

    4. 衣服:那原本是白色的衣服(Shirt) 现在染上鲜艳的深红(Scarlet)你那原本是白色的衣服(Shirt) 现在────终至颓废(Decadence)的幻想 持续编织背德的罗曼史(Romance)老旧的金币(coin) 被紧握著 挣扎著爬行的同时 男人笑了将眼泪化为微笑慢慢靠近 握著<<被称为Ark的东西>>(Knife)相同的心之外伤(trauma)如果重叠就会交

    shirt 词典解释

    1. 衬衫
        A shirt is a piece of clothing that you wear on the upper part of your body. Shirts have a collar, sleeves, and buttons down the front.

    2. see also: dress shirt;stuffed shirt;sweatshirt;T-shirt

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