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  • sex

    英:[seks] 美: [sɛks] 

    sex 基本解释

    名词性别; 两性之一; 性,性特征; 性活动

    及物动词辨识性别; 引起性欲; 吸引

    sex 相关例句


    1. What sex is the baby?

    2. American youth in the sixties were rather open about sex.

    3. There are members of both sexes in the committee.

    4. Which sex is your cat?

    5. sex

    5. There's too much sex in the film.

    sex 网络释义


    1. 六:最新出版的 六(SEX)周刊爆料!数名政商名流在旅游国外时出轨偷吃寻欢,乐不思蜀,并有照片为证. 这消息给贵联会每天吃香喝辣、洗三温暖、到精品店血拼的贵夫人们投下了一颗重磅炸弹. 大家吓著一团,七嘴八舌慌张失措地到驭夫有术的阿珍会长跟前哭诉,

    2. sex:scrubber exhaust; 酸排气

    sex 词典解释

    1. 男性;女性;雌性;雄性
        The two sexes are the two groups, male and female, into which people and animals are divided according to the function they have in producing young.


        e.g. ...an entertainment star who appeals to all ages and both sexes.
        e.g. ...differences between the sexes.

    2. 性别;性别特征
        The sex of a person or animal is their characteristic of being either male or female.

        e.g. She continually failed to gain promotion because of her sex...
        e.g. The new technique has been used to identify the sex of foetuses.

    3. 性行为;性交;性活动
        Sex is the physical activity by which people can produce young.

        e.g. He was very open in his attitudes about sex...
        e.g. The entire film revolves around drugs, sex and violence...

    4. 辨别…的性别;辨识…的雌雄
        If an animal is sexed, someone finds out whether it is male or female.

        e.g. The birds must be weighed, sexed and tagged.

    5. 发生性关系;做爱
        If two people have sex, they perform the act of sex.

        e.g. I had no intention of having sex with him on a first date.

    相关词组:sex up

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