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  • servant

    英:[ˈsɜ:vənt] 美: [ˈsɜ:rvənt] 

    servant 基本解释

    servant 反义词


    servant 相关例句


    1. The millionaire kept 39 servants.

    2. He is a civil servant.

    3. A politician should be a servant of the people.

    4. Ministers are called the servants of God.

    servant 网络释义


    1. 仆役:这些人自命优秀,对外来者(outsider)采取类似种族隔离的歧视措施,甚至把他们当成奴隶一般的使唤 (但又美其名为仆役(Servant). 此地的首脑是个自命不凡的老女人:第一公民(First Citizen),但议会对她有相当的制衡力量,

    servant 词典解释

    1. 仆人;用人
        A servant is someone who is employed to work at another person's home, for example as a cleaner or a gardener.

    2. 提供服务的人(或事物);可以利用的人(或事物)
        You can use servant to refer to someone or something that provides a service for people or can be used by them.


        e.g. Like any other public servants, police must respond to public demand...
        e.g. The question is whether technology is going to be our servant or our master.

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