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  • suitable

    英:[ˈsu:təbl] 美: [ˈsutəbəl] 
    比较级:more suitable最高级:most suitable

    suitable 基本解释

    suitable 同义词


    suitable 反义词


    suitable 相关例句


    1. This toy is not suitable for young children.

    2. suitable的反义词

    2. This wine is not suitable to my taste.

    3. suitable

    3. He was just not suitable for the job.

    suitable 网络释义

    1. 合适:这个问题值得深思,曾经以为自己找到了目标,现在听了一场宣讲会、投了几家简历,至今一无所获,才发现自己这把钥匙既不完美(perfect)对好的公司也不合适(suitable),没有太大的竞争力.

    suitable 词典解释

    1. 合适的;适宜的;适当的
        Someone or something that is suitable for a particular purpose or occasion is right or acceptable for it.

        e.g. Employers usually decide within five minutes whether someone is suitable for the job...
               雇主通常在 5 分钟内就能决定一个人是否适合这份工作。
        e.g. She had no other dress suitable for the occasion...

    ...information on the suitability of a product for use in the home.

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