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  • secret

    英:[ˈsi:krət] 美: ['si:krət] 

    secret 基本解释

    secret 反义词


    secret 相关词组

    1. in secret : 秘密地;

    secret 相关词组

    1. in secret : 秘密地;

    secret 相关例句


    1. He left through a secret door.

    2. The political prisoner was executed after a secret trial.

    3. He is secret about his past.


    1. One of the secrets of good health is regular exercise.

    2. What is the secret of his success?

    secret 网络释义

    1. 不能说的秘密:[推荐]原声大碟 -<<不能说的秘密>>(Secret)典藏纪念册限量版原声大碟 -<<不能说的秘密>>(Secret)典藏纪念册限量版[APE]

    2. secret的解释

    2. 秘密的:大白天,不是为了一个秘密的(secret),预料到了的(expected),额外的(extra)电话,而是为了一个急迫的(quick)电话作者会忽然出去. 作者就会跟这个人打,跟那个人打,心里总是告诫(tell)就再打一个,而不是强迫(force),给予(give)和限制(limit)自己.

    secret 词典解释

    1. 秘密的;机密的;保密的
        If something is secret, it is known about by only a small number of people, and is not told or shown to anyone else.


        e.g. Soldiers have been training at a secret location...
        e.g. The police have been trying to keep the documents secret.

    He wore a hidden microphone to secretly tape-record conversations.
    ...secretly organised events.

    2. 秘密;机密;内情
        A secret is a fact that is known by only a small number of people, and is not told to anyone else.

        e.g. I think he enjoyed keeping our love a secret...
        e.g. I didn't want anyone to know about it, it was my secret.

    3. 秘诀;诀窍
        If you say that a particular way of doing things is the secret of achieving something, you mean that it is the best or only way to achieve it.

        e.g. The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing...
        e.g. I learned something about writing. The secret is to say less than you need.

    4. 奥秘;奥妙
        Something's secrets are the things about it which have never been fully explained.

        e.g. We have an opportunity now to really unlock the secrets of the universe...
        e.g. The past is riddled with deep dark secrets.

    5. 秘密地;暗地里
        If you do something in secret, you do it without anyone else knowing.


        e.g. Dan found out that I had been meeting my ex-boyfriend in secret.

    6. 保守秘密
        If you say that someone can keep a secret, you mean that they can be trusted not to tell other people a secret that you have told them.

        e.g. Tom was utterly indiscreet, and could never keep a secret.

    7. 不隐瞒;开诚布公
        If you make no secret of something, you tell others about it openly and clearly.

        e.g. His wife made no secret of her hatred for the formal occasions...
        e.g. Ministers are making no secret about their wish to buy American weapons.

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