弘扬汉语古籍 传承国粹精华
  • snatch

    英:[snætʃ] 美: [snætʃ] 

    snatch 基本解释

    名词抢; 一阵子,一下工夫; 很小的数量; <美俚>诱拐

    不及物动词作出握住或抢夺的动作; 很快接受

    及物动词抢夺,夺得; 及时救助; [体育运动]举重

    snatch 相关例句


    1. He snatched the ball out of my hand.

    2. I packed, then snatched two hours' sleep.


    1. He snatched at the book but not quick enough.


    1. snatch的翻译

    1. He had a snatch of sleep sitting in his chair.

    2. We heard snatches of their conversation as they raised their voices from time to time.

    snatch 网络释义

    1. 抓举:如果我没搞错,世界双手挺举(clean and jerk) 纪录是266公斤. 世界双手抓举(snatch) 纪录是213公斤

    2. 掠夺:盖里奇的上一部作品(掠夺)(Snatch)虽然是部小制作的影片,但手法纯熟,创意高超,将复杂繁多的黑帮人物拍摄得个性十足,其导演才华令人叹服. 这次当周润发的经理人张家振在与盖.里奇接纳后,发现他也是周润发影迷,并且对此次合作极有兴趣,

    snatch 词典解释

    1. 一把抓住;迅速地夺取
        If you snatch something or snatch at something, you take it or pull it away quickly.


        e.g. Mick snatched the cards from Archie's hand...
        e.g. He snatched up the telephone...

    2. 强抢;夺走
        If something is snatched from you, it is stolen, usually using force. If a person is snatched, they are taken away by force.

        e.g. If your bag is snatched, let it go...
        e.g. Mr Hillman was snatched by kidnappers last Thursday.

    Wealthy tourists are tempting targets for bag snatchers.

    3. 抓住(机会);抓紧时间(吃东西、休息等);抽空做
        If you snatch an opportunity, you take it quickly. If you snatch something to eat or a rest, you have it quickly in between doing other things.

        e.g. I snatched a glance at the mirror...
        e.g. You can even snatch a few hours off...

    4. 侥幸获得(胜利);险胜
        If you snatch victory in a competition, you defeat your opponent by a small amount or just before the end of the contest.

        e.g. The American came from behind to snatch victory by a mere eight seconds...
               美国人后来居上,仅以 8 秒钟的优势赢得了胜利。
        e.g. Chesterfield snatched a third goal.

    5. (谈话或歌曲的)片段
        A snatch of a conversation or a song is a very small piece of it.

        e.g. I heard snatches of the conversation.

    6. 反败为胜/反胜为败
        If someone snatches victory from the jaws of defeat, they win when it seems that they are certain to lose. If someone snatches defeat from the jaws of victory, they lose when it seems that they are certain to win.

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