弘扬汉语古籍 传承国粹精华
  • scissors

    英:[ˈsɪzəz] 美: [ˈsɪzərz] 
    The form scissor is used as a modifier. scissor 用作修饰语。1. 剪刀;剪子 Scissors are a small cutting tool with two sharp blades that are screwed together.

    scissors 基本解释

    名词剪刀; 两腿前后错跃

    动词剪开( scissor的第三人称单数); 作剪式移动(尤指腿)

    scissors 相关例句


    1. She took a pair of scissors and cut the string.

    scissors 网络释义

    1. scissors的翻译

    1. 剪刀:5-1-14 剪刀(Scissors)工具 5-1-15 美工刀(Knife)工具 5-1-16 修整 5-1-17 一般修整 5-2 液化变形工具 5-2-1 弯曲(Warp)工具 5-2-2 扭转(Twirl)工具 5-2-3 收缩(Pucker)工具 5-2-4 膨胀(Bloat)工具 5-2-5 扇形扭曲(Scallop)工具 5-2-6 晶体休(Crystallize)工具 5-2-7 折皱(Wrinkle)工具 5-3 封套(Envelope)变形 5-3-1 使用默

    2. 剪:名称:发剪(Scissors) 漫画 分享网址:内容和发剪(Scissors)可能相关的小说:内容和发剪(Scissors)可能相关的资讯:

    3. 手术剪:手术剪(scissors)分为组织剪和线剪两大类(图3-6). 组织剪刀薄、锐利,有直弯两型,大小长短不一,主要用于分离、解剖和剪开组织,通常浅部手术操作用直组织剪,深部手术操作一般使用中号或长号弯组织剪. 线剪多为直剪,又分剪线剪和拆线剪,

    4. scissors是什么意思

    4. 剪子:roller 滚子 | scissors 剪子 | spade 锄

    scissors 词典解释

    The form scissor is used as a modifier. scissor 用作修饰语。

    1. 剪刀;剪子
        Scissors are a small cutting tool with two sharp blades that are screwed together. You use scissors for cutting things such as paper and cloth.

        e.g. He told me to get some scissors...
        e.g. She picked up a pair of scissors from the windowsill.

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