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  • smell

    英:[smel] 美: [smɛl] 
    第三人称单数:smells第三人称复数:smells现在分词:smelling过去分词:smelt过去式:smelt; smelled

    smell 基本解释

    1. smell up : 使充满臭气;

    2. smell of : 有...的气味;

    smell 相关词组

    1. smell up : 使充满臭气;

    2. smell of : 有...的气味;

    smell 相关例句


    1. smell

    1. I smelled something burning.

    2. I can smell something burning.


    1. smell

    1. The milk smells sour.

    2. The house smells of paint.


    1. The smell of garlic filled the kitchen.

    smell 情景对话


    A:What do you think?

    B:I smell a rat.

    smell 网络释义

    1. smell的意思

    1. 气味:当描述代码之类的东西时,我不喜欢 气味(smell)这个词. 因为用拟人的手法来谈论比特和字节往往令人觉得很怪异. 并不是说气味这个词不能准确地反映出某种表明代码可能有错误的症状,只是我觉得这样听起来很滑稽. 然而,

    2. smell什么意思

    2. 嗅觉:根据美国自闭症数据显示,多数自闭儿有感官神精不正常的反应,这个反应会发生在视觉(sight)、听觉(hearing)、触觉(touch)、疼痛(pain)、平衡感(balance)、嗅觉(smell)、味觉(taste)和孩子身体对周遭环境和接触他的人所引起的感官刺激.8.

    3. 闻到:在摩洛哥(Monaco)的马拉喀什,有座日夜散发(scatter)着香味的清真寺塔,塔高66米,人们走近它时,便能闻到(smell)阵阵清香. 该塔建于1159年,工匠们在建造时用了大约960袋的麝香作香料,从而使塔至今仍保持(keep)着芳香.

    smell 词典解释

    American English usually uses the form smelled as the past tense and past participle. British English uses either smelled or smelt. 美国英语 smell 的过去式和过去分词通常为 smelled,英国英语使用 smelled 或 smelt。

    1. 气味
        The smell of something is a quality it has which you become aware of when you breathe in through your nose.

        e.g. ...the smell of freshly baked bread.
        e.g. ...horrible smells...

    2. 嗅觉
        Your sense of smell is the ability that your nose has to detect things.

        e.g. ...people who lose their sense of smell.

    3. 散发出…气味;有…气味
        If something smells in a particular way, it has a quality which you become aware of through your nose.


        e.g. The room smelled of lemons...
        e.g. It smells delicious.

    4. 散发异味;气味难闻
        If you say that something smells, you mean that it smells unpleasant.

        e.g. Ma threw that out. She said it smelled...
        e.g. Do my feet smell?

    5. 嗅到;闻到
        If you smell something, you become aware of it when you breathe in through your nose.

        e.g. As soon as we opened the front door we could smell the gas.

    6. (用鼻子凑过去)嗅,闻
        If you smell something, you put your nose near it and breathe in, so that you can discover its smell.

        e.g. I took a fresh rose out of the vase on our table, and smelled it.

    7. (本能地)预感到,觉察到,嗅出
        If you smell something, you feel that it is likely to happen or be true.

        e.g. He knew virtually nothing about music but he could smell a hit.

    8. to smell a rat -> see rat

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