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  • strive

    英:[straɪv] 美: [straɪv] 
    第三人称单数:strives现在分词:striving过去分词:striven; strived过去式:strove; strived

    strive 基本解释

    不及物动词努力奋斗,力求; 斗争,力争

    strive 相关例句


    1. This is the goal we are striving toward.

    2. strive什么意思

    2. Today women are striving to occupy positions previously closed to them.

    3. The swimmer strove against the tide.

    strive 网络释义

    1. strive在线翻译

    1. 努力:让我暂停一下,以悼念美国最伟大的英雄,马丁.路德.金博士逝世30周年.他的梦想,深深地植根于美国梦想之中,是全体美国人共同的梦想.让我们的美国人民永远铭记金博士的话,努力(strive)实现他的遗志(legacy).今天,

    2. 奋斗:奋斗(strive)纯银戒指关于奋斗(strive)纯银戒指属性信息仅供参考,详细情况请向卖家咨询![宝贝名称]: 奋斗(strive)纯银戒指★925纯银饰品

    3. strive是什么意思

    3. 奋斗;抗争:thrive 繁荣;旺盛;兴旺 | strive 奋斗;抗争 | trivial 琐细的;无足轻重的;价值不大的

    4. 奋:striped 有条纹的 | strive 奋□ | stroke 打击;中风

    strive 词典解释

    The past tense is either strove or strived, and the past participle is either striven or strived. 过去式为 strove 或 strived,过去分词为 striven 或 strived

    1. 努力;奋斗;力争;力求
        If you strive to do something or strive for something, you make a great effort to do it or get it.

        e.g. He strives hard to keep himself very fit...
        e.g. She strove to read the name on the stone pillar...

    ...a politician consumed by his own passionate striving for leadership.

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