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  • scenery

    英:[ˈsi:nəri] 美: [ˈsinəri] 
    1. 风景;景色;风光 The scenery in a country area is the land, water, or plants that you can see around you. e.g. ...the island's spectacular scenery...

    scenery 基本解释

    名词风景,景色; 舞台布景; 风景画; 舞台面

    scenery 相关例句


    1. The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful.

    2. scenery的意思

    2. I like mountain scenery very much.

    3. scenery的解释

    3. The mountain scenery is majestic.

    scenery 网络释义

    1. 景色:笔者想着重强调:地理学意义上的景观不能简单等同于风景或景色(scenery),即那些具有较高审美价值的景观体与景观组合. 就目前景观研究而言,不少研究者偏重于景观的美学价值,却忽略景观形成与社会历史发展之间存在的内在联系,

    2. 景观:在别墅5S标准中,景观(Scenery)是第一构成要素,碧桂园威尼斯环境因素无疑是它的重要卖点之一.

    scenery 词典解释

    1. 风景;景色;风光
        The scenery in a country area is the land, water, or plants that you can see around you.

        e.g. ...the island's spectacular scenery...
        e.g. Sometimes they just drive slowly down the lane enjoying the scenery.

    2. (舞台)布景
        In a theatre, the scenery consists of the structures and painted backgrounds that show where the action in the play takes place.

    3. 换个环境
        If you have a change of scenery, you go somewhere different after being in a particular place for a long time.


        e.g. A change of scenery might do you the power of good.

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