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  • slope

    英:[sləʊp] 美: [sloʊp] 

    slope 基本解释


    名词斜坡; 斜率; 倾斜; 斜面

    不及物动词倾斜; 有斜度; 悄悄地走; 潜行


    slope 相关词组

    1. slope off : 逃走;

    slope 相关词组

    1. slope off : 逃走;

    slope 相关例句


    1. They sloped the ground so that the water can run away.


    1. The land slopes gently towards the sea.



    1. He ran up the slope to the top of the hill.

    2. The floor of the theater has a slope of four feet from the back seats to the front seats.

    slope 网络释义

    1. slope的意思

    1. 斜率:flect) 斜率(Slope) 距离(Distance)5、曲面编辑 全息曲面的编辑 编辑曲面第二节 装配1、综述 装配应用 装配特点 装配方法 基本概念 装配(Assembly) 组件(Component) 组件部件(Component Part) 组件成员(Component Members) 上下文设计(Design in Context) 从上而下设计(Top-Down Modeling) 由底向上设计(Bottom-Up Modeling

    2. 倾斜:内部倾斜(slope)补偿线路MCZ34670评估线路板也已上市,建议售价为美金$115. KIT34670EGEVBE研发工具内建与IEEE 802.3af相容的供电装置介面、5伏特隔离输出电压、可调式UVLO、以及输入电流. 此一线路板已通过New Hampshire大学交互操作性实验室(UNH-IOL)的相容性测试.

    3. 斜度:极点(Pole)定义为增益曲线(Gain curve)中斜度(Slope)为-20dB/十倍频程的点(图9:波特图中的极点). 每添加一个极点,斜度增加20dB/十倍频程. 增加n个极点,n ×(-20dB/十倍频程). 每个极点表示的相位偏移都与频率相关,

    slope 词典解释

    1. 山坡
        A slope is the side of a mountain, hill, or valley.


        e.g. Saint-Christo is perched on a mountain slope.
        e.g. ...the lower slopes of the Himalayas.

    2. 斜坡
        A slope is a surface that is at an angle, so that one end is higher than the other.

        e.g. The street must have been on a slope.

    3. (表面)倾斜
        If a surface slopes, it is at an angle, so that one end is higher than the other.

        e.g. The bank sloped down sharply to the river...
        e.g. The garden sloped quite steeply.

    ...a brick building, with a sloping roof.
    ...the gently sloping beach.

    4. 歪向一边;倾斜
        If something slopes, it leans to the right or to the left rather than being upright.


        e.g. The writing sloped backwards...
        e.g. He wonders why the digits on his calculator slope to the right.

    5. 斜度;坡度
        The slope of something is the angle at which it slopes.

        e.g. The slope increases as you go up the curve.
        e.g. ...a slope of ten degrees.
               一段坡度为 10° 的斜坡

    6. 潜入/潜出
        If someone slopes into or out of a place, they enter or leave it quickly and quietly, especially because they are trying to avoid or escape something.

        e.g. She sloped off quietly on Saturday afternoon...
        e.g. They sloped into their hotel at 6am.
               凌晨 6 点,他们悄悄地潜入他们下榻的饭店。

    7. see also: ski slope

    8. slippery slope -> see slippery

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