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  • slaughter

    英:[ˈslɔ:tə(r)] 美: [ˈslɔtɚ] 

    slaughter 基本解释

    名词大屠杀; 屠宰(动物); 大减价,贱卖; 〈口〉强烈谴责,猛烈抨击

    及物动词屠宰(动物); 大屠杀,残杀; 大减价,贱卖; 〈口〉强烈谴责,猛烈抨击


    slaughter 相关例句


    1. The Liberals were slaughtered.

    2. slaughter的反义词

    2. There is a campaign against those hunters who mercilessly slaughter baby seals.

    3. slaughter的解释

    3. Millions were slaughtered in the war.


    1. We raise cattle for slaughter.

    2. slaughter的反义词

    2. Wholesale slaughter was carried out in the name of progress.

    slaughter 网络释义

    1. 屠杀:女儿(daughter) 司令(sl) 屠杀(slaughter)可以这样进行联想:女儿(daughter)被司令(sl)屠杀(slaughter)但不是说完全舍弃这种方法,对有些易混的单词,不妨一试.

    2. 宰杀:期三旅行 阴影乐队 野孩子 羽化乐队 异端乐队 月蚀(Lunar Eclipes) 夜叉乐队 优质大豆 诱导社 裔仰 有没有 子曰乐队 左右 自由部落(ZYBL) 郑钧 再循环乐队 张浅潜 造访者Q(VisitorQ) 正午阳光 宰杀(Slaughter) 战斧 指南针乐队

    3. 宰杀,屠宰:slay 杀死,谋杀 | slaughter 宰杀;屠宰 | slim 渺茫的

    4. 屠夫:Slayer 杀手 | Slaughter 屠夫 | Slash Snakepit 斯菜什蛇穴

    slaughter 词典解释

    1. 杀戮;屠杀;残杀;滥杀
        If large numbers of people or animals are slaughtered, they are killed in a way that is cruel or unnecessary.

        e.g. Thirty four people were slaughtered while queuing up to cast their votes...
               有 34 人在排队投票时遭到残杀。
        e.g. Whales and dolphins are still being slaughtered for commercial gain.

    2. 屠宰,宰杀(动物)
        To slaughter animals such as cows and sheep means to kill them for their meat.

        e.g. Lack of chicken feed means that chicken farms are having to slaughter their stock.

    3. like lambs to the slaughter -> see lamb

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