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  • satire

    英:[ˈsætaɪə(r)] 美: ['sætaɪər] 

    satire 基本解释

    名词讽刺; 讽刺作品; 讽刺文学

    satire 相关例句


    1. That book is a satire on the administration of justice.

    2. Satire is often a form of protest against injustice.

    satire 网络释义

    2. [讽刺作品]:(a)悲剧(Tragedy)(b)史诗(Epic)(c)爱情故事(Romance)(d)英雄事迹(Heroic)(e)讽刺作品(Satire)(约拿书作为讽刺文体,绝对无损其历史性. )(f)辩论(Polemic)记第五章及撒母耳记上第二章. 新约马利亚的颂歌就是诗歌体裁(路一46-55),

    3. satire:semi – automatic technical information retrieval; 半自动技术情报检索系统(美国系统开发公司研制)

    satire 词典解释

    1. 讽刺;讥讽
        Satire is the use of humour or exaggeration in order to show how foolish or wicked some people's behaviour or ideas are.

        e.g. The commercial side of the Christmas season is an easy target for satire.

    2. 讽刺作品
        A satire is a play, film, or novel in which humour or exaggeration is used to criticize something.

        e.g. ...a sharp satire on the American political process.

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