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  • stone

    英:[stəʊn] 美: [stoʊn] 

    stone 基本解释

    名词石头; 宝石; 矿石; (膀胱或肾脏中的)结石

    及物动词向扔石块; 用石头铺; 以石掷向; 除(水果的)硬核

    形容词石制的; 石头似的; [S-]石器时代的; 粗陶制的


    stone 相关词组

    1. leave no stone unturned : 千方百计;

    stone 相关词组

    1. leave no stone unturned : 千方百计;

    stone 相关例句


    1. She sat on a stone step.


    1. A mob stoned and robbed the shops.


    1. His grave is marked by a fine stone.

    2. This is a stone building.

    3. A diamond is a precious stone.

    4. The boy threw some stones into the pond.

    stone 情景对话


    B:Can you find a good (price/ deal/ bargain) there?

    A:Wow, you really live in the Stone Age.

    Shopping on the Internet-(网上购物)

    B:I really want to go to China for vacation, but I can’t find a cheap plane ticket.

    A:Have you tried the Internet?

    B:No, not yet. Can you find a good price there?


    A:Wow, you really live in the Stone Age, Mom.


    B:Well, you don’t have to be mean. How do I do it?

    A:Go to yahoo.com and click on “Travel” and “Tickets.” They’ll be about a billion sites to look at.
          上雅虎网站,点击“旅游”和 “车票”。就有成千上万的网站供你查找的。


    B:O.K. Thanks. I’ll let you know what I find.

    A:All right.


    B:I’ll look for a ticket for you, too. Thanks.

    stone 网络释义

    1. 石色:有三种颜色:黑色(BLACK),石色(STONE),绿色(GREEN) 共两个码:M...摘 要:出口韩国正单品牌羽绒服. 帽口为真毛皮,前身三根拉链,里料为斜纹里料,羽绒为鸭绒(DOWN). 有三种颜色:黑色(BLACK),石色(STONE),绿色(GREEN) 共两个码:M...

    2. 石材:从微观层面而言,技术进步将大大降低企业生产流程、内部管理、市场营销等各种环节的成本费用,并提高产品质量和服务效率;从中观层面而言,技术创新将是企业抢占市场、引领同业的关键手段;从宏观层面而言,技术支掌有利于加快推动石材(stone)产业发展方式的转变

    3. 石:以下会以几点进行说明,并会进行国际伺服器(org)与台湾伺服器(tw)现况比较:起手资源先投入资源场,石(stone)>矿(ore)>木(wood),石>矿1~2级,矿>木 1~2级,中间投资1点仓库,让仓库(warehouse)在睡觉时不爆仓,直到石10级、矿8级、木6级,

    4. stone:security tunnel of net extension; 胜通

    5. stone:shanghai trial of nifedipine in the elderly; 上海硝苯地平老年高血压试验

    stone 词典解释

    The plural is usually stone in meaning 10. 义项 10 的复数形式通常为 stone。

    1. 石头;石料
        Stone is a hard solid substance found in the ground and often used for building houses.

        e.g. He could not tell whether the floor was wood or stone...
        e.g. People often don't appreciate that marble is a natural stone.

    2. 石子;小石块
        A stone is a small piece of rock that is found on the ground.

        e.g. He removed a stone from his shoe...
        e.g. The crowd began throwing stones.

    3. (作为宗教标志的)石碑;纪念碑
        A stone is a large piece of stone put somewhere in memory of a person or event, or as a religious symbol.

        e.g. The monument consists of a circle of gigantic stones.

    4. (表示观念或规则固定而不可改变)板上钉钉,铁板钉钉
        Stone is used in expressions such as set in stone and tablets of stone to suggest that an idea or rule is firm and fixed, and cannot be changed.

        e.g. He is merely throwing the idea forward for discussion, it is not cast in stone...
        e.g. Scientific opinions are not carved on tablets of stone; they change over the years.

    5. 宝石
        You can refer to a jewel as a stone .

        e.g. ...a diamond ring with three stones.
               镶有 3 颗钻石的戒指

    6. 结石
        A stone is a small hard ball of minerals and other substances which sometimes forms in a person's kidneys or gall bladder.

        e.g. He had kidney stones.

    7. 果核
        The stone in a plum, cherry, or other fruit is the large hard seed in the middle of it.


    in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 pit

    8. 给…去核
        If you stone a fruit, you remove its stone.

        e.g. Then stone the fruit and process the plums to a puree.

    in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 pit

    9. 向…扔石头;用石头砸
          If people stone someone or something, they throw stones at them.

          e.g. Youths burned cars and stoned police...
          e.g. A post office was set on fire and vehicles were stoned by looters.

    10. 英石(重量单位,相当于 14 磅或6.35公斤)
          A stone is a measurement of weight, especially the weight of a person, equal to 14 pounds or 6.35 kilograms.

          e.g. I weighed around 16 stone.

    11. see also: stoned;foundation stone;paving stone;precious stone;stepping stone

    12. 离…不远的;在…附近的
          If you say that one place is a stone's throw from another, you mean that the places are close to each other.


          e.g. ...a two-bedroom apartment just a stone's throw from the beach...
          e.g. Just a stone's throw away is the City Art Gallery.

    13. 挖空心思;千方百计;用尽一切手段
          If you say that you will leave no stone unturned, you are emphasizing that you will try every way you can think of in order to achieve what you want.

          e.g. He said he would leave no stone unturned in the search for peace.

    14. kill two birds with one stone -> see bird

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