弘扬汉语古籍 传承国粹精华
  • stocking

    英:[ˈstɒkɪŋ] 美: [ˈstɑ:kɪŋ] 

    stocking 基本解释

    名词长袜; 似长袜之物

    stocking 相关例句


    1. She wore nylon stockings.

    2. She has lost a pair of stockings.

    3. She stands six feet in her stocking.

    stocking 网络释义

    1. 长袜:还给树挂上五颜六色六色的彩灯及圣诞礼物(Christmas presents),家家户户围坐在一块,吃圣诞节蛋糕(Christmas cakes),唱圣诞歌(Christmas songs),孩子们喜欢在睡觉时在床尾挂一只长袜(stocking),因为他们相信等他们一觉醒来时,

    2. stocking的意思

    2. 长筒袜:相传很久以前有三个女孩因为家里实在太穷了,他们要被卖掉,为了帮助这三个可怜的女孩,在圣诞前夕的晚上,圣诞老人偷偷地把三小包金子从窗户里丢进女孩的屋子里,金子正好落入女孩的长筒袜(stocking)中.

    3. 袜子:儿童在圣诞夜临睡之前,要在壁炉前或枕头旁放上一只袜子(stocking),等候圣诞老人在他们入睡后把礼物放在袜子内. 当然,圣诞来临之际人们还互相寄送贺卡,以示问候. 节日期间人们还免不了吃一些火鸡(Turkey)等美味食品,


    4. 絲襪:上去后,发现边上有人. 回到哨兵边上,查看烟头,让哨兵给你支烟,点燃烟,回到过道,点燃那里的盘子(dish),那女人就会离开. 左边的柜子锁住了,右边的柜子可以拿到对讲机(radio)、丝袜(stocking)以及信封(envelope).

    stocking 词典解释

    1. (女式)长筒袜
        Stockings are items of women's clothing which fit closely over their feet and legs. Stockings are usually made of nylon or silk and are held in place by suspenders.

        e.g. ...a pair of nylon stockings.

    2. 同 Christmas stocking
        A stocking is the same as a Christmas stocking .

    3. see also: stock;body stocking

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