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  • shy

    英:[ʃaɪ] 美: [ʃaɪ] 

    shy 基本解释


    形容词害羞的; 怕羞的; 害怕(做); <美>缺乏的

    不及物动词惊退,畏缩; 避开(某人); (用石子,球等)乱投

    名词投掷; (马)惊退,惊逸; 投扔,乱丢

    shy 同义词



    shy 反义词


    shy 相关词组

    1. fight shy of : 畏缩, 避开;

    shy 相关词组

    1. fight shy of : 畏缩, 避开;

    shy 相关例句


    1. shy

    1. Don't be shy of telling them what you think.

    2. Small children are often shy of anyone they do not know.

    3. She is shy of interviews.


    1. She shied from new involvement in the deal.


    1. He had a shy at the wicket but missed.

    shy 网络释义

    1. 羞:真正体会了Anne说的澳洲动物非常害羞(shy)的含意. 直到归途中,我们才象刚解禁一样谈笑起来. 却就在这时撞上了塔斯马利亚恶魔(Tasmania Devil),塔斯马利亚唯一的食肉动物,给我们的夜游划上一个有惊无险的句号. 这一天里,

    2. 害羞的:a bit 有一点 | shy 害羞的 | clever 聪明的

    3. 怕羞的, 畏缩的, 害羞的:benzazide 苯甲酰叠氮 | shy 怕羞的, 畏缩的, 害羞的 | sample smear 试样涂污

    shy 词典解释

    1. 害羞的;腼腆的;怕生的
        A shy person is nervous and uncomfortable in the company of other people.

        e.g. She was a shy, quiet-spoken girl...
        e.g. She was a shy and retiring person off-stage...

    The children smiled shyly.
    Eventually he overcame his shyness.

    2. 犹豫的;不情愿的;害怕的;有所顾忌的
        If you are shy of doing something, you are unwilling to do it because you are afraid of what might happen.

        e.g. You should not be shy of having your say in the running of the school.

    3. (马)惊走,惊退
        When a horse shies, it moves away suddenly, because something has frightened it.


        e.g. Llewelyn's stallion shied as the wind sent sparks flying.

    4. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳;一回吃亏两回学乖
        You say 'once bitten, twice shy' when you want to indicate that someone will not do something a second time because they had a bad experience the first time they did it.


    5. 竭力避开;尽量避免
        If you fight shy of something, you try very hard to avoid it.

        e.g. It is no use fighting shy of publicity and then complaining when sponsors pass us by...
        e.g. Until now television had fought shy of covering by-elections.

    6. 未达到;欠缺;不足;不够
        A number or amount that is just shy of another number or amount is just under it.

        e.g. ...a high-school dropout rate just shy of 53%...
        e.g. He died two days shy of his 95th birthday.
               他在离 95 岁寿辰仅差两天时去世了。

    相关词组:shy away from

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