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  • rival

    英:[ˈraɪvl] 美: ['raɪvl] 

    rival 基本解释

    rival 同义词



    rival 反义词


    rival 相关例句


    1. The rival companies tried to outsell one another.


    1. rival什么意思

    1. He soon rivaled the others in skill.

    2. She lived in many places, but she says nothing can rival the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.

    3. Ships can't rival planes for speed.


    1. They are rivals for the same office.

    2. His collection of stamps has few rivals in the world.

    rival 网络释义

    1. 竞争对手:近日,微软在给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的报告中,第一次将典范公司列为自己的竞争对手(Rival),此举大大地提高了典范公司的市场地位. 典范公司何以能够取得如此殊荣?说到底,这是因为典范公司乃是当今世界最流行的Ubuntu

    2. 竞争者:<<玩具球OL>>是一款玩家在童话风格的地图上与对方玩家展开碰撞竞赛的游戏,游戏中投入了多种系统,拥有协作模式、对战模式及竞争者(RIVAL)系统等.

    3. rival:rapid insurance valuation language; 保险费快速评估语言

    rival 词典解释

    in AM, use 美国英语用rivaling, rivaled

    1. 竞争者;对手;敌手
        Your rival is a person, business, or organization who you are competing or fighting against in the same area or for the same things.

        e.g. The world champion finished more than two seconds ahead of his nearest rival...
        e.g. He eliminated his rivals in a brutal struggle for power...

    2. 没有敌手;独一无二;无人能及
        If you say that someone or something has no rivals or is without rival, you mean that it is best of its type.


        e.g. ...a wonderfully fragrant wine which has no rivals in the Rhone...
        e.g. He is a pastry chef without rival.

    3. 能与…媲美;与…匹敌;与…不分高低
        If you say that one thing rivals another, you mean that they are both of the same standard or quality.

        e.g. Cassette recorders cannot rival the sound quality of CDs...
        e.g. An epidemic to rival that which killed 26,000 in 1989 may hit the UK.

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