弘扬汉语古籍 传承国粹精华
  • rein

    英:[reɪn] 美: [ren] 

    rein 基本解释

    名词缰绳; 驾驭(法); 统治手段; 控制(权)

    及物动词驾驭; 勒缰绳使(马)停步; 严格控制



    rein 相关例句


    1. rein的近义词

    1. The officer reined in his horse at a crossroads.

    2. You must learn to rein in your temper.


    1. He reined in as he approached the busy road.


    1. rein的近义词

    1. The rider pulled on the reins, and the horse stopped.

    2. Few kings now hold the reins of government.

    3. Pull on the right rein and the horse will turn to the right.

    rein 网络释义

    1. 重新初始化:重新初始化(REIN) 此命令终止USER,将所有I/O和帐户信息写入,但不许进行中的数据传输完成. 重置所有参数,控制连接打开,可以再次开始USER命令. 退出登录(QUIT) 此命令终止USER,如果没有数据传输,服务器关闭控制连接;

    2. 缰绳:257. 马肚带:girth; cinch; surcingle | 258. 缰绳:rein | 259. 控制缰:checkrein

    3. 控制;统治:Biofuel: 生物燃料 | Rein: 控制;统治 | Shrub:灌木丛

    4. rein

    4. 手柄:reimport 再进口 | rein 手柄 | reindexing 变换符号;重新分度

    5. rein:reinitialize; 更换登录帐号

    rein 词典解释

    1. (马的)缰绳
        Reins are the thin leather straps attached round a horse's neck which are used to control the horse.

    2. (新闻用语)支配权,控制权
        Journalists sometimes use the expression the reins or the reins of power to refer to the control of a country or organization.

        e.g. He was determined to see the party keep a hold on the reins of power...

    3. 放任;不管;纵容
        If you give free rein to someone, you give them a lot of freedom to do what they want.


        e.g. The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transport.

    4. 严加控制;严格管束
        If you keep a tight rein on someone, you control them firmly.

        e.g. Her parents had kept her on a tight rein with their narrow and inflexible views.

    相关词组:rein backrein in

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