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  • recognize

    英:[ˈrekəgnaɪz] 美: [ˈrɛkəɡˌnaɪz] 

    recognize 基本解释


    recognize 相关例句


    1. He looked at the envelope and recognized Jenny's handwriting immediately.

    2. recognize的解释

    2. I recognized Peter although I hadn't seen him for 10 years.

    3. I recognized that I had made a mistake.

    4. The government recognized his outstanding service by giving him a medal.

    5. The policeman recognized her as a pickpocket.

    recognize 网络释义

    1. 认出:第四章 角色扮演--小我的多重面貌(四) 认出(recognize)你孩子的本体 你是人(Human Being). 这句话是什么意思呢?对生活的掌控不在于控制,而是在人性(human)和本体(being)之间找到平衡. 母亲、父亲、先生、太太、年轻、年老、你扮演的角色、你提供的功能,

    2. 识别:因为本实例是实例1的后续操作,不需要手工加载目标页面,只需要在Theme List工作台上识别(recognize)新发现的主题并为其定义提取规则即可,系统会自动选择和加载一个样本页面.

    recognize 词典解释

    in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 recognise

    1. 认识;认出
        If you recognize someone or something, you know who that person is or what that thing is.

        e.g. The receptionist recognized him at once...
        e.g. He did not think she could recognize his car in the snow...

    2. 认可;承认
        If someone says that they recognize something, they acknowledge that it exists or that it is true.

        e.g. I recognize my own shortcomings...
        e.g. Well, of course I recognize that evil exists.

    3. 正式认可;承认;正式接受;赞成
        If people or organizations recognize something as valid, they officially accept it or approve of it.

        e.g. Most doctors appear to recognize homeopathy as a legitimate form of medicine...
        e.g. France is on the point of recognizing the independence of the Baltic States.

    4. 赞赏,认可(某人的所作所为)
        When people recognize the work that someone has done, they show their appreciation of it, often by giving that person an award of some kind.

        e.g. The RAF recognized him as an outstandingly able engineer...
        e.g. He had the insight to recognize their talents...

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