弘扬汉语古籍 传承国粹精华
  • role

    英:[rəʊl] 美: [roʊl] 

    role 基本解释

    名词作用; 角色; 地位

    role 相关例句



    1. He denied any role in the robbery.

    2. He played the role of the old king in our school play.

    3. She played the leading role in the school play.

    role 网络释义

    1. 角色角色:9.4 角色 角色(role)就是一组特权,它可以分配给一个用户或其他角色. 角色的优点和特性可以总结为如下几点:● 并不是一次一个地将特权直接授予一个用户,而是先创建角色,向该角色授予一些特权,然后再将该角色授予多个用户和角色. ● 在增加或删除一个角

    2. 成员角色:1.CSCW系统模型和体系结构,CSCW系统的基本组成元素可归纳成4类:成员角色(role)、共享对象(shared object)、协作活动(activity)和协作事件(event). 而一般认为CSCW系统有四层模型:开放系统互连环境、协同工作支撑平台、协同工作应用接口、各种CSCW应用系统. 如下图所示:

    role 词典解释

    1. 作用;地位;职位;角色
        If you have a role in a situation or in society, you have a particular position and function in it.

        e.g. ...the drug's role in preventing more serious effects of infection...
        e.g. Both sides have roles to play.

    2. (电影、戏剧或歌剧中的)角色
        A role is one of the characters that an actor or singer can play in a film, play, or opera.


        e.g. She has just landed the lead role in The Young Vic's latest production...
        e.g. Shakespearean women's roles were originally written to be played by men.

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