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  • portray

    英:[pɔ:ˈtreɪ] 美: [pɔ:rˈtreɪ] 

    portray 基本解释

    及物动词描绘; 描述; 画像; 描画

    portray 相关例句


    4. He portrayed King Lear in the play.

    portray 网络释义

    1. 描写:[写作指导] 描写(Portray)就是用生动、形象的语言将人物、事物、景物等的特征和性质活灵活现地刻画或描绘出来,使读者如见其人、如闻其声、如临其境. 为了使人或事物的特征跃然纸上,我们往往在写文章时把叙述和描写结合起来.

    2. 你可把蓝图心里:纵使别人一千遍Copy, | 你可把蓝图心里Portray, | 将爱的真谛细致Embody,

    3. 画像,描绘:portentous 奇特,不祥的 | portray 画像,描绘 | proceed 继续,进行

    portray 词典解释

    1. 扮演;饰演
        When an actor or actress portrays someone, he or she plays that person in a play or film.


        e.g. In 1975 he portrayed the king in a Los Angeles revival of 'Camelot'.
        e.g. ...the busty and rumbustious Mrs Hall, excellently portrayed by Toni Palmer.

    2. 描绘;描述
        When a writer or artist portrays something, he or she writes a description or produces a painting of it.

        e.g. ...this northern novelist, who accurately portrays provincial domestic life.
        e.g. ...the landscape as portrayed by painters such as Claude and Poussin.

    3. 表现;刻画
        If a film, book, or television programme portrays someone in a certain way, it represents them in that way.

        e.g. She says the programme portrayed her as a 'lady of easy virtue'.
        e.g. ...complaints about the way women are portrayed in adverts.

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