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  • pleasant

    英:[ˈpleznt] 美: [ˈplɛzənt] 

    pleasant 基本解释

    pleasant 同义词


    pleasant 反义词



    pleasant 相关例句



    1. We spent a pleasant day in the country.

    2. The new manager is a pleasant Chinese American.

    3. The walk was very pleasant.

    pleasant 情景对话


    A:Good morning, sir, where are you going?

    B:I’m going to England by flight B.E.987.
          我乘英国国际航空公司987 航班去英国。

    A:When is your flight?


    B:!0:00 a.m. When am I supposed to check in?
          上午10 点钟,我应什么时候办理登机手续?


    A:We are checking in. May I have your ticket? And your health certificate and your luggage, please.

    B:Here you are.

    A:Are you keeping this small bags as carry-on luggage, sir?


    A:You must weight that as well.

    B:All right.

    A:Your luggage is two pounds over, I am afraid there’ll be an excess luggage charge, sir.
          先生,您的行李超重2 磅,您得付超重费了。

    B:How much must I pay?

    A:It’s 10 yuan.
          应该是10 元。


    B:Here you are.

    A:This your luggage check (ticket) which you must show when you disembark at your destnation, and here is your boarding pass and your ticket.


    A:Now please wait until your flight is called. There are about twenty-five minutes to go.
          您等着您的航班呼叫好吗?大约还有25 分钟就要呼叫了。

    B:I’m a little nervous. I have never flown before.

    A:There is nothing at all to worry about. Once you’re in the air, it’s just like sitting in your own living room. It’s going to be a very pleasant flight.

    pleasant 网络释义

    1. pleasant

    1. 愉快的:他失去了平衡(balance)(腿都软了). 美女当心被小伙子(fellow)跟随(follow)温家宝上台后取消了农业税农民(peasant)是愉快的(pleasant)看着美丽的新娘(bride)他很骄傲(pride)

    2. 令人快乐的:16 C 词义比较逻辑推理 这些人在我们的眼里也许是普通的(common),令人快乐的(pleasant),忠实的(faithful),但却都是很重要的(important)标识, 标志. 19 C 词义比较前后照应常识运用 作者认为,我们可以用经过(pass)某一建筑物的方法来标记我们所处的位置.

    3. 令人愉快:农民(peasant)种豆子(pea)引来了蚂蚁(ant)a、把吃豆子(pea)的蚂蚁(ant)一棒(L)打死是令人愉快的(pleasant)b、L像竹杠,有些人以敲农民(peasant)竹杠为快乐(pleasant);c、农民(peasant)顶竹杠(l)真有趣,看了真令人愉快(pleasant).3.

    pleasant 词典解释

    1. 令人愉快的;舒适的;合意的
        Something that is pleasant is nice, enjoyable, or attractive.

        e.g. I've got a pleasant little apartment...
        e.g. It's always pleasant to do what you're good at doing.

    We talked pleasantly of old times...
    The room was pleasantly warm.

    2. 友好的;可亲的;讨人喜欢的
        Someone who is pleasant is friendly and likeable.

        e.g. The woman had a pleasant face...
        e.g. Lloyd George was most anxious to be agreeable and pleasant.

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