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  • pure

    英:[pjʊə(r)] 美: [pjʊr] 

    pure 基本解释


    pure 相关例句


    1. It was pure luck that he was home when we called.

    2. Is the cup made of pure gold?

    3. The water in mountain rivers is usually pure.

    4. By pure chance he found the rare book he needed in a little shop.

    5. It was a pure accident.

    pure 词典解释

    1. 纯粹的;不掺杂的
        A pure substance is not mixed with anything else.


        e.g. ...a carton of pure orange juice.

    2. 纯净的;洁净的;不含有害物质的
        Something that is pure is clean and does not contain any harmful substances.

        e.g. In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides.
        e.g. ...demands for purer and cleaner river water.

    They worried about the purity of tap water.

    3. 纯净的;纯正的;完美的
        If you describe something such as a colour, a sound, or a type of light as pure, you mean that it is very clear and represents a perfect example of its type.

        e.g. ...flowers in a whole range of blues with the occasional pure white.

    The soaring purity of her voice conjured up the frozen bleakness of the Far North.

    4. 纯粹的;标准的;真正的
        If you describe a form of art or a philosophy as pure, you mean that it is produced or practised according to a standard or form that is expected of it.


        e.g. Nicholson never swerved from his aim of making pure and simple art.

    ...verse of great purity, sonority of rhythm, and symphonic form.

    5. (科学或研究)纯理论的,抽象的
        Pure science or pure research is concerned only with theory and not with how this theory can be used in practical ways.


        e.g. Physics isn't just about pure science with no immediate applications...
        e.g. They did not approach their subject solely as a matter of 'pure' theory.

    6. 完全的;十足的
        Pure means complete and total.

        e.g. The old man turned to give her a look of pure surprise...
        e.g. To sleep on my own and not hear the boys snore or grunt was pure bliss.

    7. 纯洁的;清白的;贞洁的
        A person, especially a woman, who is described as pure is considered to be morally good, especially because they have no sexual experience or sexual thoughts.

        e.g. She was baptized and she was pure and clean of sin.

    The American Female Reform Society promoted sexual purity.

    8. 完全的;纯粹的;不折不扣的
          You use pure and simple to emphasize that the thing you are mentioning is the only thing that is involved or that should be considered.

          e.g. It's blackmail, pure and simple.

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