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  • psychological

    英:[ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkl] 美: [ˌsaɪkəˈlɑ:dʒɪkl] 
    1. 心理的;精神的 Psychological means concerned with a person's mind and thoughts. e.g. John received constant physical and psychological abuse from his fa

    psychological 基本解释

    形容词心理的; 精神上的,精神(现象)的; 心理学(上)的; 关于心理学的

    psychological 相关例句


    1. Are there important psychological differences between the two sexes?

    2. Is there any possible psychological explanation for his bad health?

    psychological 网络释义

    1. 心理上:另外,疼痛的副作用不仅是体能上的而且是心理上(PSYCHOLOGICAL)的,使病人处于精神抑郁萎靡状态,也不利于术后康复. 在西方,麻醉住院医生四年培训毕业后,还有专门培训一年做疼痛治疗专业的PAIN FELLOWSHIP. 所以,麻醉医生不仅在医院为外科医生开刀做麻醉服务,

    2. 心理的:就其广度来说可分为知识的(Intellectual)、政治的(Political)、经济的(Economic)、社会的(Social)、心理的(Psychological). (参见张玉法:<<中国现代化的动向>>,罗荣渠、牛大勇编:<<中国现代化历程的探索>>,70-74页)关于现代化的意义,

    psychological 词典解释

    1. 心理的;精神的
        Psychological means concerned with a person's mind and thoughts.

        e.g. John received constant physical and psychological abuse from his father...
        e.g. Robyn's loss of memory is a psychological problem, rather than a physical one.

    It was very important psychologically for us to succeed.
    ...a psychologically disturbed person.

    2. 心理学的
        Psychological means relating to psychology.

        e.g. ...psychological testing.

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