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  • proud

    英:[praʊd] 美: [praʊd] 

    proud 基本解释

    形容词自豪的,得意的; 光荣的,高尚的; 傲慢的; 有自尊心的

    proud 同义词



    proud 反义词


    proud 相关词组

    1. be proud of : 自豪, 高兴;

    2. do oneself proud : 养尊处优;

    proud 相关词组

    1. be proud of : 自豪, 高兴;

    2. do oneself proud : 养尊处优;

    proud 相关例句


    1. He is proud of his daughter's ability to speak four languages.

    2. He's too proud to speak to poor people like us.

    3. proud的近义词

    3. She is proud of her accomplishments.

    4. I'm proud to be your friend.

    5. They're poor but proud.

    proud 网络释义

    1. 骄傲:为此作者感到骄傲(proud),而不仅仅只是友好(friendly),幸运(lucky)和充满希望(hopeful). 13 A 语句连贯词义比较 虽然(although)作者才七年级,但当地一家服装店已同意让他赊账. Although表示转折关系. while表示时间或对照;

    2. proud是什么意思

    2. 自豪:只要这是你依然在深爱着的男人,你就一定会有办法把他夺会来,有一个3P的说法可以借用一下,自豪(Proud),耐心(Patient)和坚持(Persistent). 对自己过去的感情生活感到自豪,就一定能够耐心地,坚持不懈地努力,重新构筑爱情的堡垒.

    3. proud

    3. 骄傲的:proud 驕傲的 | daughter 女兒 | another 另外的

    4. 自豪的:proud flesh 疤 | proud 自豪的 | proudhearted 骄傲的

    proud 词典解释

    1. 骄傲的;自豪的;得意的
        If you feel proud, you feel pleased about something good that you possess or have done, or about something good that a person close to you has done.

        e.g. I felt proud of his efforts...
        e.g. They are proud that she is doing well at school...

    'That's the first part finished,' he said proudly.

    2. 最值得夸耀的;最引以为荣的
        Your proudest moments or achievements are the ones that you are most proud of.

        e.g. This must have been one of the proudest moments of his busy and hard working life.

    3. 自尊的;自重的
        Someone who is proud has respect for themselves and does not want to lose the respect that other people have for them.

        e.g. He was too proud to ask his family for help and support...
        e.g. We are a proud people. We are not used to begging or taking things.

    4. 骄傲的;傲慢的;妄自尊大的
        Someone who is proud feels that they are better or more important than other people.

        e.g. She was said to be proud and arrogant.

    5. 超出…之外的
        If one object stands proud of another object that it is attached to or next to, it extends beyond it.

        e.g. The handles stand proud of the doors of the car.

    6. 盛情款待;给…以隆重待遇
        If someone does you proud, they treat you very well, for example by welcoming you and giving you good food and entertainment.

        e.g. The hotel has indeed done them proud.

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