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  • prospect

    英:[ˈprɒspekt] 美: [ˈprɑ:spekt] 

    prospect 基本解释

    prospect 反义词


    prospect 相关例句


    1. John was excited by the prospect of owning his own boat.

    2. prospect的反义词

    2. There's not much prospect of Mr Smith's being elected as Congressman.

    3. Mrs.Smith said that her niece's prospects were ruined.

    4. The prospect from the balcony was breathtaking.

    prospect 网络释义

    1. 前景:西方读者在检视<<外交政策>>(FOREGN POLCY)与<<前景>>(Prospect)两个杂志所合办之世界首要公众知识分子的投票结果时,可能会发现一些新的名字. 而史无前例地,此次名单上的前十名都是穆斯林,其中有些名字还是在美国鲜少被听到的.

    2. 展望:一年前,<<展望>>(Prospect)杂志举行民意调查挑选英国的前100名公共知识分子. 尽管这个行动是让人质疑的,不仅因为挑选谁排除谁,而且因为它天生的庸俗性. 这个结果无情的显示英国知识分子走向平庸的事实.

    3. 预估:既有他个性上的,比如有时也喜欢爽快一些的生活(虽然平时也律己甚严),所以看到了海瓜子很自然想喝一点啤酒,解除一下日常的拘束. 还有他的预估(prospect)一定程度上不准确,可能是一种动机上的扭曲(内心部分解除自我意识的需要)......

    prospect 词典解释

    The noun is pronounced /'prɒspekt, am 'prɑː-/. The verb is pronounced /prə'spekt, am 'prɑːspekt/ and is hyphenated pro|spect. 名词读作 /'prɒspekt, 美 'prɑː-/。动词读作 /prə'spekt, 美 'prɑːspekt/,分音节形式为 pro|spect。

    1. 可能性;希望
        If there is some prospect of something happening, there is a possibility that it will happen.

        e.g. Unfortunately, there is little prospect of seeing these big questions answered...
        e.g. The prospects for peace in the country's eight-year civil war are becoming brighter...

    2. 期望中的事;将要发生的事;预期;展望
        A particular prospect is something that you expect or know is going to happen.

        e.g. They now face the prospect of having to wear a cycling helmet by law...
        e.g. After supper he'd put his feet up and read. It was a pleasant prospect.

    3. (尤指事业的)成功机会,前景,前途
        Someone's prospects are their chances of being successful, especially in their career.

        e.g. I chose to work abroad to improve my career prospects.
        e.g. ...a detailed review of the company's prospects.

    4. 勘探;勘察
        When people prospect for oil, gold, or some other valuable substance, they look for it in the ground or under the sea.


        e.g. He had prospected for minerals everywhere from the Gobi Desert to the Transvaal...
        e.g. In fact, the oil companies are already prospecting not far from here.

    He was involved in oil, zinc and lead prospecting.
    The discovery of gold brought a flood of prospectors into the Territories.

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