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  • phase

    英:[feɪz] 美: [fez] 

    phase 基本解释

    phase 相关词组

    1. phase in : 逐步采用;

    2. out of phase : 异相地, 不协调地;

    3. in phase : 同相地, 协调地;

    4. phase out : 使逐步淘汰, 逐渐停止;

    phase 相关例句


    1. phase什么意思

    1. What phase of mathematics are you studying now?

    2. The disease was discovered in an early phase.

    3. They looked into the various phases of the problem.

    4. Luckily her disease was discovered in an early phase.

    phase 网络释义

    1. 月相:地球也在绕太阳公转,地球已经在轨道上移了少许,不能再和月球成一直线形成满月,月球要再行多一点点的距离,它们方能排成直线,我们方能见到满月,所以要见到同一个月相(Phase)要较多一点的时间,这个月相周期为29.531日,

    phase 词典解释

    1. 阶段;时期
        A phase is a particular stage in a process or in the gradual development of something.

        e.g. This autumn, 6000 residents will participate in the first phase of the project...
        e.g. The crisis is entering a crucial, critical phase...

    2. 把…分阶段
        If an action or change is phased over a period of time, it is done in stages.

        e.g. The redundancies will be phased over two years.
        e.g. ...a phased withdrawal of American forces from the Philippines.

    3. 不同步的(地)/同步的(地);不协调的(地)/协调的(地)
        If two things are out of phase with each other, they are not working or happening together as they should. If two things are in phase, they are working or occurring together as they should.

        e.g. The Skills Programme is out of phase with the rest of the curriculum.
        e.g. ...uncomfortable jet-lag symptoms of indigestion and out-of-phase sleeping and waking.

    相关词组:phase inphase out

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