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  • profitable

    英:[ˈprɒfɪtəbl] 美: [ˈprɑ:fɪtəbl] 
    1. 盈利的;有利润的;赚钱的 A profitable organization or practice makes a profit. e.g. Drug manufacturing is the most profitable business in America...

    profitable 基本解释

    形容词有利可图的,有益的; 可赚钱的,合算的

    profitable 反义词


    profitable 相关例句


    1. profitable什么意思

    1. The farm is a highly profitable business.

    profitable 网络释义

    1. profitable的翻译

    1. 有利可图:像计算机及其软件产品这类高科技产品(high-techproduct)特别容易遭受侵袭(vulnerable). 只要制假有利可图(profitable),只要有很多产品可以复制,只要法律难以对制假采取行动(enforce),制假者就有望继续猖獗(prosper)很长时间.

    2. 有利可图的:profit 利润 | profitable 有利可图的 | propaganda (贬义)宣传

    3. profitable是什么意思

    3. 有利润的:profitability 利益率 | profitable 有利润的 | profitably 有利地

    4. profitable

    4. 有利的;有用的:profitability 盈利能力 | profitable 有利的;有用的 | profluent stream 常流河

    profitable 词典解释

    1. 盈利的;有利润的;赚钱的
        A profitable organization or practice makes a profit.

        e.g. Drug manufacturing is the most profitable business in America...
        e.g. It was profitable for them to produce large amounts of food.

    The 28 French stores are trading profitably.
    Changes were made in operating methods in an effort to increase profitability.

    2. 有利可图的;有益的;有用的
        Something that is profitable results in some benefit for you.

        e.g. ...collaboration which leads to a profitable exchange of personnel and ideas.

    In fact he could scarcely have spent his time more profitably.

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