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  • prize

    英:[praɪz] 美: [praɪz] 

    prize 基本解释


    prize 相关例句


    1. I will use the prize money to help pay for my education.



    1. We prized the cap off the bottle.

    2. He prized my friendship above everything else.


    1. His poem won the first prize in the contest.

    2. To some men wealth is the greatest prize in life.

    prize 网络释义

    2. 奖励:你怎样理解这样几个关键词--希望(hope)、奖励(prize)和家庭(family)? 郑:先讲讲希望吧. 人是活在希望中的. 当年英伦海峡,有个女士要游泳过去,后来实在太累游不下去了,因为当时有船跟着保护她,于是她就上了船,之后才发现,

    3. 奖项:同学们,我们都知道ping-pong是我国的强项,北京奥运会(Beijing Olympic Games)上几乎包揽了所有奖项(prize). 可是乒乓球并不是起源于我国呢. 我们一起来看看吧!19世纪末,欧洲(Europe)盛行网球(tennis)运动,但由于受到场地和天气的限制,

    prize 词典解释

    The spelling prise is also used in British English for meanings 5 and 6. 在英国英语中,义项5和6亦可拼作prise。

    1. 奖品;奖赏;奖金
        A prize is money or something valuable that is given to someone who has the best results in a competition or game, or as a reward for doing good work.

        e.g. You must claim your prize by telephoning our claims line...
        e.g. He won first prize at the Leeds Piano Competition...

    2. 可以获奖的;获奖的
        You use prize to describe things that are of such good quality that they win prizes or deserve to win prizes.


        e.g. ...a prize bull.
        e.g. ...prize blooms.

    3. 非常珍贵的人(或物);十分重要的人(或物)
        You can refer to someone or something as a prize when people consider them to be of great value or importance.

        e.g. With no lands of his own, he was no great matrimonial prize.

    4. 重视;珍惜
        Something that is prized is wanted and admired because it is considered to be very valuable or very good quality.


        e.g. Military figures, made out of lead are prized by collectors...
        e.g. One of the gallery's most prized possessions is the portrait of Ginevra de'Benci.

    5. 撬;撬动;撬开;掰开
        If you prize something open or prize it away from a surface, you force it to open or force it to come away from the surface.


        e.g. He tried to prize the dog's mouth open...
        e.g. I prised off the metal rim surrounding one of the dials...

    in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 pry

    6. 竭力打探(消息等);说服…透露(消息)
        If you prize something such as information out of someone, you persuade them to tell you although they may be very unwilling to.

        e.g. Alison and I had to prize conversation out of him.

    in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 pry

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