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  • pepper

    英:[ˈpepə(r)] 美: [ˈpɛpɚ] 

    pepper 基本解释


    名词辣椒; 胡椒; 胡椒粉

    及物动词在…上撒胡椒粉; 使布满

    pepper 相关词组


    1. take pepper in the nose : 勃然大怒;

    pepper 相关词组

    1. take pepper in the nose : 勃然大怒;

    pepper 相关例句


    1. His face is peppered with freckles.

    2. pepper的近义词

    2. We peppered the enemy with our shot.

    3. He peppered the soup.


    1. I bought some green peppers for the salad.

    2. There was plenty of pepper left in the old man.

    pepper 网络释义

    1. 辣椒:猫一眼就看见荆棘后的的红辣椒(pepper)和树上的坚果(nuts),猫的视力好. 让德鲁去拿红辣椒,荆棘扎手拿不到. 树上的坚果更不能指望德鲁,电流小子--上!电流小子勇敢地爬了上去,但不幸地被捍卫自己财产的松鼠打的鼻青脸肿轰了下去.

    2. pepper在线翻译

    2. 胡椒粉:酥皮丝 (shredded dough) 约180g白胡椒粉 (pepper) 少许面粉 (all purpose flour) 半杯盐 (salt) 少许) 酥皮丝(shredded dough )拆开包装后,要隔着蜡纸盖一张湿的厨纸,否则干了以后很容易断裂;

    3. 辣椒粉:(4)辣椒粉(PEPPER)日本称做『唐辛子』,其刺激主要在於增加舌头的热感. (5)蒜(GARLIC)广为一般所使用的调味料. (6)芥末(MUSTARD)日语称做『辛子』(KARASHI),大致可分为黑芥末、白芥末及芥末三种. (7)莳萝子(DILL)具独特香味.

    pepper 词典解释

    1. 胡椒粉
        Pepper is a hot-tasting spice which is used to flavour food.

        e.g. Season with salt and pepper.
        e.g. ...freshly ground black pepper.

    2. 甜椒;柿子椒;灯笼椒
        A pepper, or in American English a bell pepper, is a hollow green, red, or yellow vegetable with seeds inside it.

    3. (小物体)密集地击打,连续击打
        If something is peppered with small objects, a lot of those objects hit it.


        e.g. He was wounded in both legs and severely peppered with shrapnel...
        e.g. Suddenly the garden was peppered with pellets.

    4. 布满;充满
        If something is peppered with things, it has a lot of those things in it or on it.

        e.g. While her English was correct, it was peppered with French phrases...
        e.g. Outside, the road was peppered with glass...

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