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  • prescribe

    英:[prɪˈskraɪb] 美: [prɪˈskraɪb] 

    prescribe 基本解释

    及物动词指定,规定; 指定,规定

    不及物动词建立规定,法律或指示; 开处方,给医嘱

    prescribe 相关例句


    1. The doctor prescribed radiotherapy for him.

    2. prescribe

    2. The law prescribes what should be done.

    3. prescribe在线翻译

    3. The doctor prescribed three days' rest for her.

    4. prescribe

    4. Do not prescribe to me what I'm going to do.


    1. prescribe的解释

    1. We should all do as the law prescribes.

    prescribe 情景对话

    At the dentist’s-(看牙医)


    A:I have a terrible toothache.

    B:Which tooth is it?

    A:(Pointing) This one here.

    B:Ah, yes. There’s a big cavity.


    A:Can you fill it?


    B:I’m afraid not. The tooth is too far gone. It’ll have to be taken out.

    A:Then I might as well have it out now.

    B:You’d better wait. The gums are swollen. Take the medicine I prescribe and come back in three days.


    A:Well, Mr. Smith. That’s a nasty infection you have.

    B:Yes. Is there anything you can give me to get rid of it, Doctor?


    A:I’m going to prescribe some antibiotics, and some cream to ease the itching and burning.

    B:OK. Thank you. Where should I buy them?

    A:The phamp3acy will give you a discount since you came to the clinic.

    B:Great. What floor is the phamp3acy on?

    A:The fourth. I’ll send the prescription down there, so you can just pick it up on your way out.

    B:Thank you.

    prescribe 网络释义

    1. prescribe的意思

    1. 规定:人民不要政府去管制(regulate)他们的私人事务(private concerns), 或在他们的产业事务中规定(prescribe)过程和给予利润(mete out the profits). 保护他们的人身(persons)和财产,其余之事他们自己都能搞定不需要政府为其操心.

    2. prescribe什么意思

    2. 开处方:到要开处方(Prescribe)了,头就大了. 医生问有什么药过敏吗,Do you have any allergies to medicine? 这下傻眼了!别说是英文药名,就是中文吃过的药我都记不得. 支吾半天,你猜医生说啥!到现在我都恨得牙痒痒. 他说,

    3. 开药:常常出现在Section 1,可能涉及的话题包括:病人介绍病症(symptoms),医生检查 (check)、得出结论、开药(prescribe)并告知剂量(dosage)、负作用(side effect)和 注意事项(instructions)等;尤其在04年和05年的考试中,屡次考察到男性健康问题,

    prescribe 词典解释

    1. 开(药、处方)
        If a doctor prescribes medicine or treatment for you, he or she tells you what medicine or treatment to have.

        e.g. Our doctor diagnosed a throat infection and prescribed antibiotic and junior aspirin...
        e.g. She took twice the prescribed dose of sleeping tablets...

    2. (人、法律、规则)规定,指定
        If a person or set of laws or rules prescribes an action or duty, they state that it must be carried out.

        e.g. ...article II of the constitution, which prescribes the method of electing a president...
        e.g. Alliott told Singleton he was passing the sentence prescribed by law.

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