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  • preface

    英:[ˈprefəs] 美: [ˈprefəs] 

    preface 基本解释

    名词序言,引语; 开端,前奏; [宗](弥撒的)序诵,序祷

    不及物动词&及物动词作序; 作为…的序言,作为…的开端; 给…作序; 开始,导致

    preface 相关例句


    1. She prefaced her remarks by an apology.

    2. He prefaced his speech with an amusing story.

    3. Each chapter is prefaced by a short introduction.


    1. The book has a preface written by the author.

    2. Our defeat may be the preface to our successor's victory.

    preface 网络释义

    3. 緒 論:促癌因子的作用是可逆的,如果去除,引起扩增的克隆就会消失;演进--是指肿瘤在生长过程中中医理论体系的形成和发展绪论(Preface)二,中医理论体系的形成和发展 中医学理论体系的形成和发展经历了一个非常漫长的过程,

    preface 词典解释

    1. (书的)序言,前言,绪论
        A preface is an introduction at the beginning of a book, which explains what the book is about or why it was written.

    2. 以…为开端;以…作为开场白
        If you preface an action or speech with something else, you do or say this other thing first.


        e.g. I will preface what I am going to say with a few lines from Shakespeare...
        e.g. The president prefaced his remarks by saying he has supported unemployment benefits all along.

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