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  • mental

    英:[ˈmentl] 美: [ˈmɛntl] 
    1. 智力的;脑力的;思考的 Mental means relating to the process of thinking. e.g. ...the mental development of children. 儿童的智力发展 e.g.

    mental 基本解释

    形容词内心的,精神的,思想的,心理的; 智慧的,智[脑]力的; 〈口〉精神病的,意志薄弱的,愚笨的


    mental 同义词



    mental 反义词


    mental 相关例句


    1. mental在线翻译

    1. Her mental anguish was beyond words.

    2. Her problem is mental, not physical.

    3. mental什么意思

    3. All humans do have some kind of innate mental ability.

    4. He got the answer by mental arithmetic.

    5. mental的解释

    5. He is good at mental arithmetic.

    mental 网络释义

    1. 精神:人们总是相信,他们作出的判断是和已知的东西相符合的,这些东西可能是物质(MATERIAL)、精神(MENTAL),或是意识(CONSCIOUS)、潜意识(SUBCONSCIOUS)、集体无意识(COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS)、形而上(METAPHYSICAL)的或神(DIVINE)的.

    mental 词典解释

    1. 智力的;脑力的;思考的
        Mental means relating to the process of thinking.

        e.g. ...the mental development of children.
        e.g. ...intensive mental effort.

    I think you are mentally tired...
    I had never felt more mentally alive...
    Physically I might not have been overseas but mentally and spiritually I was with them.

    2. 心理上的;精神上的
        Mental means relating to the state or the health of a person's mind.

        e.g. The mental state that had created her psychosis was no longer present.
        e.g. ...mental health problems.

    ...an inmate who is mentally disturbed.
    ...the needs of the mentally ill and the mentally handicapped.

    3. 内心的;在头脑中进行的
        A mental act is one that involves only thinking and not physical action.

        e.g. Practise mental arithmetic when you go out shopping...
        e.g. Graham made a quick mental calculation.

    This technique will help people mentally organize information.

    4. 疯狂的;发疯的
        If you say that someone is mental, you mean that you think they are mad.

        e.g. I just said to him 'you must be mental'.

    5. 记在脑子里;把…牢记在心
        If you make a mental note of something, you make an effort to store it in your memory so that you will not forget it.

        e.g. She made a mental note to have his prescription refilled.
        e.g. She made a mental note not to sit anywhere near him.

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