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  • marry

    英:[ˈmæri] 美: [ˈmæri] 

    marry 基本解释

    及物/不及物动词娶; 嫁; (使)结婚; 结合


    marry 同义词



    marry 反义词


    marry 相关例句


    1. He is going to marry Jane.

    2. The priest married them.

    3. I am going to marry John.


    1. He didn't marry until he was fifty.

    marry 网络释义

    1. marry什么意思

    1. 玛丽:理查德原本有一个幸福的家庭,妻子玛丽(Marry)虽不美丽,却非常贤惠. 理查德的工作性质决定了他必须经常跟随桥梁建设工程,四处为家,经常夫妻分离. 当他的妻子为他怀上第三个孩子的时候,他突然提出离婚,要和比他小十几岁的女人同居.

    2. 是动词,意为结婚、嫁、娶:1 . She's married to a rancher. 她嫁给了一个牧场主. | marry 是动词,意为结婚、嫁、娶. | John is going to marry Jane. 约翰要和珍结婚了.

    3. marry的解释

    3. 你瞪大了眼睛,到處找結婚對象:lkiss 你向在场的所有人飞吻. | marry 你瞪大了眼睛,到处找结婚对象. | mglint 你的眼中闪动着淘气顽皮的光芒.

    marry 词典解释

    1. 结婚;嫁;娶
        When two people get married or marry, they legally become husband and wife in a special ceremony. Get married is less formal and more commonly used than marry .

        e.g. I thought he would change after we got married...
        e.g. They married a month after they met...

    2. (牧师或官员)为…主持婚礼
        When a priest or official marries two people, he or she conducts the ceremony in which the two people legally become husband and wife.

        e.g. The local vicar has agreed to marry us in the chapel on the estate...
        e.g. In July 1957, we were married in New York.

    3. 把…嫁给;为…娶亲
        If a parent marries their child to someone, the parent chooses who their child will marry and arranges it.


        e.g. He married his three daughters to princes of the ruling house.

    相关词组:marry off

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