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  • march

    英:[mɑ:tʃ] 美: [mɑ:rtʃ] 

    march 基本解释

    march 同义词

    march 相关词组

    1. on the march : 行军中, 进行中;

    march 相关词组

    1. on the march : 行军中, 进行中;

    march 相关例句


    1. The police marched the thief out of the house.

    2. The suspect was marched to the police station for interrogation.


    1. It was a day's march from the city to the village.

    2. It will make a full day's march.

    march 网络释义


    1. 行军:41 曼波舞(Mambo)13 舞曲(Dance) 43 双人波加舞(Polka)14 8拍(Beat)敲击 44 迪斯科豪放音乐20 人数众多的爵士乐队(Bigband) 50 布鲁士爵士音乐(Blues)23 迪斯科流行音乐会 53 8拍轻(Light)音乐25 行军(March)曲 55 通俗曳步

    2. 踏步:重复练习第一部分成品(左右平衡)三遍,再用踏步(march)或踏并步(step touch)过度4个8拍后,重复练习第二部分成品(左右平衡)三遍. 再用踏步(march)或踏并步(step touch)过度4个8拍后,反复的两个组合串联(左右平衡)练习直到音乐结束.

    3. march:mar; 三月

    march 词典解释

    1. 行军;前进;使齐步走
        When soldiers march somewhere, or when a commanding officer marches them somewhere, they walk there with very regular steps, as a group.


        e.g. A Scottish battalion was marching down the street...
        e.g. Captain Ramirez called them to attention and marched them off to the main camp...

    2. 示威游行;抗议游行
        When a large group of people march for a cause, they walk somewhere together in order to express their ideas or to protest about something.

        e.g. The demonstrators then marched through the capital chanting slogans and demanding free elections...
        e.g. Hundreds of activists marked the holy day by marching for peace and disarmament.

    Fights between police and marchers lasted for three hours.

    3. (因生气等快速毅然地)走,行走
        If you say that someone marches somewhere, you mean that they walk there quickly and in a determined way, for example because they are angry.

        e.g. He marched into the kitchen without knocking.

    4. 迫使…同行;强迫…一起走
        If you march someone somewhere, you force them to walk there with you, for example by holding their arm tightly.

        e.g. They were marched through a crocodile-infested area and, if they slowed down, were beaten with sticks...
        e.g. I marched him across the room, down the hall and out onto the doorstep.

    5. 进步;进展;发展
        The march of something is its steady development or progress.

        e.g. It is easy to feel trampled by the relentless march of technology...
        e.g. Society's march toward ever-increasing materialism was continuing.

    6. 进行曲
        A march is a piece of music with a regular rhythm that you can march to.

        e.g. A military band played Russian marches and folk tunes.

    7. 辞退通知;逐客令
        If you give someone their marching orders, you tell them that you no longer want or need them, for example as your employee or as your lover.


        e.g. They've had their marching orders...
        e.g. What does it take for a woman to say 'that's enough' and give her man his marching orders?

    in AM, use 美国英语用 walking papers

    8. 抢先;抢占先机
        If you steal a march on someone, you start doing something before they do it in order to gain an advantage over them.

        e.g. If its strategy succeeds, Mexico could even steal a march on its northern neighbour.

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