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  • murmur

    英:[ˈmɜ:mə(r)] 美: [ˈmɜ:rmə(r)] 

    murmur 基本解释

    名词咕哝,发牢骚; 低声的抱怨; 低声说话


    不及物动词发出连续而低沉的声音; 私下抱怨

    murmur 相关例句


    1. The child murmured in her sleep.


    1. murmur

    1. He is murmuring to himself.

    2. The breeze murmured in the pines.


    1. He sat listening to the murmur of the little brook.

    2. She gave a murmur of approval.

    murmur 网络释义

    1. 杂音:(二)亢进最常见的原因是单侧或双侧的甲状腺的良性腺瘤型增生过长而导致甲状腺肿大(Goitre),可在喉头(Larynx)与胸骨柄(Manubrium)之间的颈部.触诊到此肿大.(5)心跳过快(Tachycardia)以及心杂音(Murmur).

    2. 心杂音:卫生署吁请医师在为这类病患开立Pergolide药品之前,应先主动告知病患可能导致心瓣膜病变的危险性,且开药前应先确认病史并进行心血管检查 ,且须定期追踪. 若发现心杂音(murmur)应做心脏超音波检查,一旦确认发生心瓣膜疾病,应立即停药.

    murmur 词典解释

    1. 低声说;悄声说
        If you murmur something, you say it very quietly, so that not many people can hear what you are saying.

        e.g. He turned and murmured something to the professor...
        e.g. She murmured a few words of support...

    2. 低语;咕哝;喃喃细语
        A murmur is something that is said which can hardly be heard.


        e.g. They spoke in low murmurs...
        e.g. She gave a little murmur.

    3. (流水的)汩汩声;(远处)模糊的低语声
        A murmur is a continuous low sound, like the noise of a river or of voices far away.

        e.g. The piano music mixes with the murmur of conversation...
        e.g. I could hear the murmur of the sea...

    4. 低语表达;嘟囔
        A murmur of a particular emotion is a quiet expression of it.

        e.g. The promise of some basic working rights draws murmurs of approval...
        e.g. Already there are murmurs of discontent.

    5. (心脏的) 杂音
        A murmur is an abnormal sound which is made by the heart and which shows that there is probably something wrong with it.

        e.g. The doctor said James had now developed a heart murmur.

    6. 毫无怨言;没有微词
        If someone does something without a murmur, they do it without complaining.


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