弘扬汉语古籍 传承国粹精华
  • male

    英:[meɪl] 美: [ˈmel] 

    male 基本解释

    male 同义词

    male 反义词

    male 相关例句


    1. A male nurse took my temperature.


    1. Males are generally taller than females.

    2. In most birds, the male is bigger and more brightly colored than the female.

    male 网络释义

    2. 男的:即用'女性'(femine)和'男性'(masculine)代表社会构建(受文化和社会规范强制的性别和行为模式),并将'女的'(female)和'男的'(male)用作纯生物学意义上的性别差异......'女人气质'(femininity)是文化建构:正像西蒙娜德波伏瓦所说的那样,

    male 词典解释

    1. 男人的;男性的
        Someone who is male is a man or a boy.

        e.g. Many women achievers appear to pose a threat to their male colleagues...
        e.g. The London City Ballet has engaged two male dancers from the Bolshoi...

    ...the small part of the Y chromosome which is responsible for maleness.
    ...the solidarity among men which is part of maleness.

    2. 男子;男性
        Men and boys are sometimes referred to as males when they are being considered as a type.

        e.g. ...the remains of a Caucasian male, aged 65-70...
        e.g. He was very anxious to prove he was a red-blooded male...

    3. 男人的;男性的
        Male means relating, belonging, or affecting men rather than women.

        e.g. The rate of male unemployment in Britain is now the third worst in Europe.
        e.g. ...male violence.

    4. 雄性
        You can refer to any creature that belongs to the sex that cannot lay eggs or have babies as a male .

        e.g. Males and females take turns brooding the eggs.

    5. (植物)雄株的;(花卉)雄蕊的
        A male flower or plant fertilizes the part that will become the fruit.

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