弘扬汉语古籍 传承国粹精华
  • left

    英:[left] 美: [lɛft] 

    left 基本解释


    left 相关例句


    1. left的近义词

    1. Turn left at the corner.

    2. Walk three blocks and then turn left at the corner.


    1. left是什么意思

    1. The school is on the left of the road.

    2. John was seated on her left.

    3. left

    3. The left oppose the tax increase.

    left 情景对话


    A:Where can I catch a taxi?

    B:The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there.


    A:Excuse me, can you tell me where Main Street is?


    B:Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks.

    A:Is it far?


    B:No. It's only a five-minute walk. You can’t miss it.

    A:Thanks a lot.


    B:You're welcome.


    A:Hello, Air China Flight Reservations. May I help you?

    B:Yes. Have you got any seats left on the 10th at 7:30 a.m. to HongKong?

    A:Yes, we have. For how many?

    B:Please keep two for us to pick up.

    A:Would you prefer a window, aside or enter seat?

    B:Window, please.



    left 网络释义

    1. 向左:一种标识语言.说白了就是它通过标签(tag)的形式来组织你想达到的效果,就像我对你说:把这个字放在这里,大小多少,颜色是什么,那个画放那里,等等等等,你照办就成了.属性 direction(移动方向)可选值为:向上(up) 向下(down) 向左(left)属性 behavi


    2. 左边:● 1.使用 DIV 标签 (div)左边和顶部属性很直观 左边(left)设定要素距浏览器窗口左边的距离 顶部(top)设定距离浏览器窗口顶部的距离. 设定这些距离时 你可以使用所学过的各种度单位或比例值. 使用比例值时 比例值的是相对于母体要素的尺寸.

    3. 左边的:」(注七)但是话又说回来,左边的(left)这个字,跟邪恶的(sinister)、笨拙的(clumsy)、残障的(defective)这些词汇,在辞源学上还是分不开的一家人. 如果左撇子真的打算正本清源,好好地理清这些「旁门左道」跟自己的关系,

    4. left:l; 左面

    left 词典解释



    2. 剩余的;剩下的;余下的
        If there is a certain amount of something left, or if you have a certain amount of it left, it remains when the rest has gone or been used.


        e.g. Is there any gin left?...
        e.g. He's got plenty of money left...


    The spelling Left is also used for meanings 3 and 4. 拼写Left亦用于义项3和4。

    1. 左;左边;左面;左侧
        The left is one of two opposite directions, sides, or positions. If you are facing north and you turn to the left, you will be facing west. In the word 'to', the 't' is to the left of the 'o'.

        e.g. In Britain cars drive on the left.
        e.g. ...the brick wall to the left of the conservatory...

    2. 左边的;左面的;左侧的;用在左边的
        Your left arm, leg, or ear, for example, is the one which is on the left side of your body. Your left shoe or glove is the one which is intended to be worn on your left foot or hand.

    3. 左派;左翼
        You can refer to people who support the political ideals of socialism as the left. They are often contrasted with the right, who support the political ideals of capitalism and conservatism.

        e.g. ...the traditional parties of the Left...
        e.g. The government's industrial policy has been fiercely attacked by the left.

    4. 左派(或激进)立场
        If you say that a person or political party has moved to the left, you mean that their political beliefs have become more left-wing.

        e.g. After Mrs Thatcher's first election victory in 1979, Labour moved sharply to the left...
        e.g. There will be a radical swing to the right or the left.

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