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  • lame

    英:[leɪm] 美: [leɪm] 

    lame 基本解释


    lame 相关例句


    1. lame是什么意思

    1. He gave a lame excuse for being absent.

    2. She's lame from polio.

    3. That is a lame excuse.


    1. The school was lamed by losses of staff.

    2. The accident lamed her for life.

    lame 情景对话


    A:How (silly/ stupid/ lame brained) of me to forget.


    B:That’s alright.

    lame 网络释义

    1. 跛足:英语高手必备:记单词就要这样不择手段 象形词义串联记忆法将象形单词的意义串联成一句汉语或者汉语顺口溜同-eed:喂(feed)养(breed)行为(deed)确实(indeed)需要(need)芦苇(reed)种子(seed)杂草(weed). 同-lame:跛足(lame)责怪(blame)火焰(flame). 同-edge:楔形(wedge)......

    2. 瘸子:背信--理由(reason)前加t(踢)联想:老俞设想(conceive)一个计划阴谋,然后我们察觉(perceive)了,于是他就收到(receive)了一堆的花......blame (for) 责怪--不是(b)瘸子(lame)的错,应该怪瞎子助记:落后(lag)的旗帜(flag),

    3. lame的解释

    3. 瘸腿:一个要饭的(beggar)走过来,他身材矮小(little)、面黄肌瘦(yellow)、衣衫褴褛(ragged)、瘸腿(lame)、满面胡须(unshaven). 7. 昨天,在戏院(theatre)里,我后面的一男一女总是大声说话.

    4. lame的解释

    4. 腿:污点--blie(布来)mish(迷失),是污点 blot 肮脏,污点--虽然不(b)多(lot),但也很脏 blight 枯萎--b(不)light(光),见不到光就枯萎 blast 爆炸--b(不)last(持续),就爆炸 blame 责备,责怪--炸坏了腿(lame),别(b)怪我 第

    lame 词典解释

    1. 跛的;瘸的
        If someone is lame, they are unable to walk properly because of damage to one or both of their legs.

        e.g. He was aware that she was lame in one leg...
        e.g. David had to pull out of the Championships when his horse went lame.

    Persistent damage or inadequate healing may lead to chronic lameness.

    2. (借口、论点、评论等)站不住脚的;蹩脚的;拙劣的
        If you describe something, for example an excuse, argument, or remark, as lame, you mean that it is poor or weak.

        e.g. He mumbled some lame excuse about having gone to sleep...
        e.g. All our theories sound pretty lame.

    'Lovely house,' I said lamely.

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