弘扬汉语古籍 传承国粹精华
  • lovely

    英:[ˈlʌvli] 美: [ˈlʌvli] 

    lovely 基本解释

    形容词可爱的; 令人愉快的; 亲切友好的; 慷慨大方的

    名词美女,美人,佳人; 漂亮的东西

    lovely 相关例句


    1. The hill commands a lovely view.

    2. lovely的近义词

    2. We had a lovely holiday.

    3. lovely

    3. She looks lovely in white.

    4. Your portable computer is a lovely job.


    1. The girl is a lovely.

    lovely 情景对话


    A:Why don’t you join us?


    B:I think it’s a lovely idea.



    A:Mrs. Wang, You are on the third floor.


    B:It looks very comfortable.

    A:You have got lovely view of Hyde Park. This is your private bathroom, and just opposite is a kitchen which all six of you share. There is common room at the end of the corridor, and a games room next door.


    A:Good evening, Frank.

    B:Hello, How good to see you. Did you have any trouble finding our place?


    A:Not at all. Your instructions were very clear. Where is Mrs. Robinson?

    B:She is in the kitchen. Catherine! Mrs. Wang is here!

    C:Mrs. Wang! I am so glad you could come. My husband has told me so much about you.

    A:These are for you.


    C:Oh, what lovely flowers! You are very kind. Thank you so much. I will go and put them in some water right away.


    A:And here is a bottle of Chinese quite Mao-tai.

    B:That is thoughtful of you. T have heard that it packs quite punch.


    C:Mrs. Wang, Frank, would you like to start now?

    lovely 网络释义

    1. 好极了:听到门房对着电话说:好极了(lovely). 我明白,放行了. 门房从抽屉里拽出一张小纸,是学院地图,用笔标出图书馆的位置以及路线. 我捏着这张纸片,按图索骥一路行去. 不一会,走到一个小门前,正犹疑要不要进去,忽见一位女士站在那里将我打量,

    2. lovely

    2. 小可爱:比利时吉林克斯父子(Geerinckx) 作出/精选/提供代表直女直女小可爱(Lovely)是一羽很有希望的雌鸽 荣获:

    lovely 词典解释

    1. 可爱的;迷人的;悦耳的
        If you describe someone or something as lovely, you mean that they are very beautiful and therefore pleasing to look at or listen to.

        e.g. You look lovely, Marcia...
        e.g. He had a lovely voice...

    You are a vision of loveliness.

    2. 令人愉快的;美好的
        If you describe something as lovely, you mean that it gives you pleasure.

        e.g. Mary! How lovely to see you!...
        e.g. It's a lovely day...

    3. 亲切和善的;心地善良的
        If you describe someone as lovely, you mean that they are friendly, kind, or generous.

        e.g. Laura is a lovely young woman...
        e.g. She's a lovely child.

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