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  • lofty

    英:[ˈlɒfti] 美: [ˈlɔ:fti] 

    lofty 基本解释



    lofty 相关例句


    1. He is a man of lofty ideals.

    2. We stood in awe of the lofty redwood trees.

    3. I don't like your lofty manner.

    lofty 网络释义

    1. 傲慢的:loftsman 放样员 | lofty 傲慢的 | log cabin 小木屋

    2. 高的,高尚的,高傲的:locomotive 移动的,引起运动的 | lofty 高的,高尚的,高傲的 | logical 合乎逻辑的

    3. 高远的:loft 楼厢 | lofty 高远的 | log 圆形木材

    4. 崇高的;高级的:literacy 有文化;有读写能力 | lofty 崇高的;高级的 | loom 织布机 ;隐现

    lofty 词典解释

    1. 崇高的;高尚的
        A lofty ideal or ambition is noble, important, and admirable.


        e.g. It was a bank that started out with grand ideas and lofty ideals...
        e.g. Amid the chaos, he had lofty aims.

    2. (建筑物)巍峨的,高耸的;(房间)屋顶高的
        A lofty building or room is very high.

        e.g. ...a light, lofty apartment in the suburbs of Salzburg...
        e.g. Victorian houses can seem cold with their lofty ceilings and rambling rooms.

    3. 傲慢的;高傲的
        If you say that someone behaves in a lofty way, you are critical of them for behaving in a proud and rather unpleasant way, as if they think they are very important.

        e.g. ...the lofty disdain he often expresses for his profession.
        e.g. ...lofty contempt.

    'We supply financial information to selected clients,' Crook said loftily.
    ...loftily indifferent to the world outside.

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