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  • knit

    英:[nɪt] 美: [nɪt] 

    knit 基本解释

    及物/不及物动词编织,编结; 接合(折骨等); 使皱起,使皱紧; 使紧密相联

    名词编织物; 编织法


    knit 同义词


    knit 反义词


    knit 相关词组

    1. knit up : 织补, 结束;

    knit 相关词组

    1. knit up : 织补, 结束;

    knit 相关例句


    1. She's knitting her father a sweater.

    2. The two edges of that broken bone will knit together smoothly.


    3. Mother is knitting a sweater.

    4. Knit your brows and you will hit upon a stratagem.


    1. His broken bone knitted quickly.

    knit 网络释义

    1. knit的解释

    1. 针织:对棉、T/C等针织(Knit)产品进行防缩加工. *提高防缩效果,使织物在洗涤后仍保持原样,不变形. *所加工的织物质地柔软,表面光滑. *使产品具有弹性,手感均匀. 工作速度:15~25m/min 织物幅:2400mm 动力:29Kw/hr 驱动方式:变频控制

    2. knit

    2. 编织:别人都对她很冷淡,她虽然头高叶大,但是目前为止却一次花都没开过. 但昙花姑娘并没有因此而悲伤,每一个开花的姐姐都让她羡慕,甚至每一朵无名小花她都很喜欢. 她觉得正是那些如云如雾的小花编织(knit)出了美丽图案的一角.

    3. 结:不久后,Elizabeth Bott第一次发展出了网络结构的明确测量工具--结(knit). 这一系列成就的取得,使得网络分析受到许多社会学家的注意. 而深受齐美尔(Georgy Simmel)影响的美国社会学家,在英国人类学家著作的传播下,

    knit 词典解释

    The past tense can be either knit or knitted for meaning 4. knit和knitted均可用作义项4的过去式。

    1. 编织;针织;机织
        If you knit something, especially an article of clothing, you make it from wool or a similar thread by using two knitting needles or a machine.


        e.g. I had endless hours to knit and sew...
        e.g. I have already started knitting baby clothes...

    Pattern charts with small print are often difficult for older knitters to use.

    2. 使紧密结合;使严密;使紧凑
        If someone or something knits things or people together, they make them fit or work together closely and successfully.

        e.g. The best thing about sport is that it knits the whole family close together...
        e.g. Ordinary people have some reservations about their president's drive to knit them so closely to their neighbors.

    3. (骨头)愈合,接合
        When broken bones knit, the broken pieces grow together again.

        e.g. The bone hasn't knitted together properly.
        e.g. ...broken bones that have failed to knit.

    4. 皱眉(表示恼怒、担忧)
        If you knit your brows or knit your eyebrows, you frown because you are angry or worried.

        e.g. They knitted their brows and started to grumble...
        e.g. Billy's eyebrows knitted together in a little frown.

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