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  • hurry

    英:[ˈhʌri] 美: [ˈhɜ:ri] 

    hurry 基本解释

    1. in a hurry : 匆忙;

    2. hurry up : 赶快;

    hurry 相关词组

    1. in a hurry : 匆忙;

    2. hurry up : 赶快;

    hurry 相关例句


    1. More food and drugs have been hurried to the flooded areas.

    2. hurry

    2. The sick child was hurried to the hospital.


    1. She hurried home to tell them the news.


    1. She was in a hurry to see her child.

    2. You always seem to be in a hurry.

    3. In her hurry, she dropped the books.

    hurry 情景对话



    B:Let’s (do it quickly/ hurry/ hurry up).



    A:(Hurry/ Quick/ Hurry up)! The movie is coming back on.

    B:I’m coming.

    hurry 网络释义


    1. 快点:18.c 19.b [解析]因为她需要(needed)上床睡觉,女儿叫我下棋动作稍快点(hurry). 20.a [解析]女儿每天早上六点必须起床,我知道(knew)她有 严格的作息习惯. b、c、d三项均不合题意. 21.c [解析]根据下文语境,此处表转折关系.

    2. 意乱情迷中俺太:不顾一切想把她Occupy, | 意乱情迷中俺太Hurry, | 她似不胜痛楚的Entry,

    hurry 词典解释

    1. 匆忙地走
        If you hurry somewhere, you go there as quickly as you can.

        e.g. Claire hurried along the road...
        e.g. When she finished work she had to hurry home and look after her son...

    2. 赶紧(做);急忙(做);匆忙(做)
        If you hurry to do something, you start doing it as soon as you can, or try to do it quickly.

        e.g. Mrs Hardie hurried to make up for her tactlessness by asking her guest about his holiday...
        e.g. There was no longer any reason to hurry.

    3. 急忙;匆忙;仓促
        If you are in a hurry to do something, you need or want to do something quickly. If you do something in a hurry, you do it quickly or suddenly.


        e.g. Kate was in a hurry to grow up, eager for knowledge and experience...
        e.g. Eric left the barge in a hurry.

    4. 同 hurry up
        To hurry something means the same as to hurry up something.


        e.g. ...The President's attempt to hurry the process of independence.

    5. 催促;使赶紧
        If you hurry someone to a place or into a situation, you try to make them go to that place or get into that situation quickly.

        e.g. Rachel hurried him to his bed...
        e.g. They say they are not going to be hurried into any decision...

    6. 不必着急;不忙
        If you say to someone 'There's no hurry' or 'I'm in no hurry' you are telling them that there is no need for them to do something immediately.

        e.g. I'll need to talk with you, but there's no hurry...
        e.g. 'I am in no particular hurry,' he insisted.

    7. 不愿(做);不想(做)
        If you are in no hurry to do something, you are very unwilling to do it.

        e.g. I love it at St Mirren so I'm in no hurry to go anywhere...
        e.g. 'It's a thrill I'm in no hurry for,' he smiles.

    相关词组:hurry alonghurry up

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