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  • humble

    英:[ˈhʌmbl] 美: [ˈhʌmbəl] 

    humble 基本解释


    humble 相关例句


    1. The family lived in a humble cottage.

    2. Many famous people are surprisingly humble.

    3. humble的解释

    3. He is of humble birth.



    1. He had to humble himself in the presence of the prince.

    2. humble的解释

    2. His failure in the competition humbled him.

    humble 网络释义

    1. humble在线翻译

    1. 谦逊:一般而言,感觉韩国人相当的谦逊(humble)与客气,但性格比较倔强,说话比较直. 曾有过一个韩国女友,我常开玩笑说,从她身上认识到了韩国男人打老婆的必要性. (网上的各位mm请勿扔砖头^&^ )

    2. 低声下气:法国纪录片导演迭戈-布努埃尔(照片)于去年4月至5月间在平壤、南浦、开城进行了为期12天的秘密采示威事件使韩国的推土机总统变得低声下气(humble). 英国<<金融时报>>(FT)4日通过一个版面的分析(Analysis)报道主张说:李明博政府在执政几个月后便面临困境,

    humble 词典解释

    1. 谦逊的;谦虚的;谦卑的
        A humble person is not proud and does not believe that they are better than other people.

        e.g. He gave a great performance, but he was very humble...
        e.g. Andy was a humble, courteous and gentle man.

    'I'm a lucky man, undeservedly lucky,' he said humbly.

    2. (社会地位)低下的,卑贱的
        People with low social status are sometimes described as humble.

        e.g. Spyros Latsis started his career as a humble fisherman in the Aegean...
        e.g. He came from a fairly humble, poor background.

    3. 粗陋的;简陋的;不起眼的
        A humble place or thing is ordinary and not special in any way.

        e.g. There are restaurants, both humble and expensive, that specialize in them...
        e.g. Varndell made his own reflector for these shots from a strip of humble kitchen foil.

    4. 愚(见);拙(见)
        People use humble in a phrase such as in my humble opinion as a polite way of emphasizing what they think, even though they do not feel humble about it.


        e.g. It is, in my humble opinion, perhaps the best steak restaurant in Great Britain.

    So may I humbly suggest we all do something next time.

    5. 道歉赔不是;承认错误
        If you eat humble pie, you speak or behave in a way which tells people that you admit you were wrong about something.

        e.g. Anson was forced to eat humble pie and publicly apologise to her.

    6. 轻易击败(强大的对手)
        If you humble someone who is more important or powerful than you, you defeat them easily.

        e.g. Honda won fame in the 1980s as the little car company that humbled the industry giants...
        e.g. Third-placed Barnet were humbled 3-0 at Crewe.

    7. 使谦逊;使感到卑微;羞辱
        If something or someone humbles you, they make you realize that you are not as important or good as you thought you were.

        e.g. Ted's words humbled me...
        e.g. I am sure millions of viewers were humbled by this story.

    I came away very humbled and recognizing that I, for one, am not well-informed.
    Giving up an addiction is a humbling experience.

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