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  • fraction

    英:[ˈfrækʃn] 美: [ˈfrækʃən] 

    fraction 基本解释

    fraction 反义词


    fraction 相关例句



    1. She spends only a fraction of her earnings.

    2. fraction的翻译

    2. The story does not contain a fraction of truth.

    3. He has done only a fraction of his homework.

    fraction 网络释义

    3. 小数:(A)若BASE=2,则小数(fraction)的第1个位元必须为1 (B)若BASE=8,则小数(fraction)的第3个位元必须不能为000 (C)若BASE=16,则小数(fraction)的第4个位元必须不能为0000 (D)以上皆是260 /D以下何者不是计算机中负整数的表示方法?

    fraction 词典解释

    1. 少量;小份;一点儿
        A fraction of something is a tiny amount or proportion of it.


        e.g. She hesitated for a fraction of a second before responding...
        e.g. Here's how to eat like the stars, at a fraction of the cost...

    2. 分数
        A fraction is a number that can be expressed as a proportion of two whole numbers. For example, ½ and ⅓ are both fractions.

        e.g. The students had a grasp of decimals, percentages and fractions.

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