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  • forget

    英:[fəˈget] 美: [fərˈget] 

    forget 基本解释

    1. forget oneself : 忘乎所以, 失去知觉;

    forget 相关词组

    1. forget oneself : 忘乎所以, 失去知觉;

    forget 相关例句


    1. She forgot to post the letter.

    2. Don't forget me to your parents.

    3. I forgot my keys.

    4. Don't forget to post the letter.

    5. Sorry, I've forgotten your name.

    forget 情景对话



    A:Could you tell me how much it is?

    B:In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.

    A:That’s way too much money.

    B:We can make dow by model.

    A:We have to ask for another price reduction.

    B:You can forget about another cut.

    Turning in-(上床睡觉)

    A:I guess I'll turn in, Bob. It's been a long day.

    B:I've got a chapter to read for tomorrow, so I'll be up for a while yet.I'll turn off thd heat and lock thd door before I go to bed.
          我还有一章要读完,这是明天的功课,所以我要等一会儿再睡。 在我上床以前我会关掉暖气和锁上门的。

    A:Okay. What time are you getting up tomorrow?

    B:Oh, the usual time. No, wait a minute.Make sure I'm up before you go to work, will you? I've got a quiz at ten. It wouldn't hurt to read over my notes.

    A:I'll try, but when seven o'clock comes around, don't forget you asked me to wake you.

    B:Good night, Joe.

    TV Series-(电视剧)

    B:What’s on TV tonight?

    A:Not much, that new reality-TV show, Ally McBeal, oooo, Dark Angel.

    B:Wait a second. I want to watch Ally McBeal.

    A:Oh, come on. That’s such a girl’s show.

    B:No it’s not. It’s just funny.

    A:Yeah, if you’re a girl.


    B:Well, you just want to watch Dark Angel because of the hot girl.


    A:That’s not true. Dark Angel is a good show.

    B:It’s story is just an excuse to get the girl dressed up in different tight outfits.

    A:O.K., O.K. Let’s forget it. There’s a football game on too.

    B:No way. I’m watching Ally McBeal. Go to John’s to watch the game.

    forget 网络释义

    1. 遗忘:盘的权限S :表示客户有无回存(restore)模盘的权限U :表示客户有无保存(save)模盘的权限R :表示客户有无还原(recover)模盘的权限F :表示系统会不会遗忘(forget)客户上次登录模盘的修改数据注二:遗忘(forget)开关若是打开,则用

    2. 忘:盘的权限S :表示客户有无回存(restore)魔盘的权限U :表示客户有无保存(save)魔盘的权限R :表示客户有无还原(recover)魔盘的权限F :表示系统会不会遗忘(forget)客户上次登录魔盘的修改数据注二:遗忘(forget)开关若是打开,则用

    3. 李磊:NUKEKE今天有幸约到了IM队员李磊(forget)进行了一次谈话短访,下面的访谈内容讲道了这套夺走北京出线名额的阵容的动向,希望喜欢IM的朋友们不要错过!enjoy it!

    forget 词典解释

    1. 忘记;遗忘
        If you forget something or forget how to do something, you cannot think of it or think how to do it, although you knew it or knew how to do it in the past.

        e.g. Sometimes I improvise and change the words because I forget them...
        e.g. She forgot where she left the car and it took us two days to find it.

    2. 忘记;忘了(做)
        If you forget something or forget to do it, you fail to think about it or fail to remember to do it, for example because you are thinking about other things.

        e.g. She never forgets her daddy's birthday...
        e.g. She forgot to lock her door one day and two men got in...

    3. 忘记带;落下
        If you forget something that you had intended to bring with you, you do not bring it because you did not think about it at the right time.

        e.g. Once when we were going to Paris, I forgot my passport.

    Note that you cannot use the verb forget to say that you have put something somewhere and left it there. Instead you use the verb leave. I left my bag on the bus.
    注意不能用 forget 表示把东西放在某地忘拿了,而要用动词 leave:I left my bag on the bus (我把包落在了公交车上)。

    4. 不放在心上;不去想
        If you forget something or someone, you deliberately put them out of your mind and do not think about them any more.


        e.g. I hope you will forget the bad experience you had today...
        e.g. I can't forget what happened...

    5. 忘乎所以;举止不得体
        If you forget yourself, you behave in an uncontrolled or unacceptable way, which is not the way in which you usually behave.


        e.g. He was so fascinated by her beauty that he forgot himself and leaned across to touch her.

    6. 没关系;不必在意;不要再提了
        You say 'Forget it' in reply to someone as a way of telling them not to worry or bother about something, or as an emphatic way of saying no to a suggestion.

        e.g. 'Sorry, Liz. I think I was a bit rude to you.' —
        e.g. 'Forget it, but don't do it again!'...

    7. 还有;还包括
        You say not forgetting a particular thing or person when you want to include them in something that you have already talked about.

        e.g. The first thing is to support as many shows as one can, not forgetting the small local ones.

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