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  • floor

    英:[flɔ:(r)] 美: [flɔr, flor] 

    floor 基本解释

    名词楼层; 地面,地板; 底部; 议员席

    及物动词铺地板; 击败,打倒

    floor 同义词




    floor 反义词


    floor 相关词组

    1. take the floor : 发言;

    floor 相关词组

    1. take the floor : 发言;

    floor 相关例句


    1. The carpenter will floor this room with oak.

    2. The rooms in the hotel are all floored with boards.


    1. The government has fixed a wage floor.

    2. floor的解释

    2. I live on the third floor.

    3. He asked the chairman for the floor.

    floor 情景对话


    A:Well, Mr. Smith. That’s a nasty infection you have.

    B:Yes. Is there anything you can give me to get rid of it, Doctor?

    A:I’m going to prescribe some antibiotics, and some cream to ease the itching and burning.

    B:OK. Thank you. Where should I buy them?

    A:The phamp3acy will give you a discount since you came to the clinic.


    B:Great. What floor is the phamp3acy on?


    A:The fourth. I’ll send the prescription down there, so you can just pick it up on your way out.


    B:Thank you.

    floor 网络释义

    1. 地板:欧洲的国家转移到亚太地区, 也因此设立青岛办事处希望能拓展中国市场, 并与中国当地的供货商结合. 敝司的产品分为三大项: 锯材(sawntimber), 板材(panel)与木浆(woodpulp), 其小项为: 地板(floor), 门楣(moulding), 托盘(pallet),...

    floor 词典解释

    1. 地面;地板
        The floor of a room is the part of it that you walk on.

        e.g. Jack's sitting on the floor watching TV...
        e.g. We painted the wooden floor with a white stain.

    2. 层;楼层
        A floor of a building is all the rooms that are on a particular level.

        e.g. It is on the fifth floor of the hospital...
        e.g. They occupied the first two floors of the tower.

    In British English, the ground floor of a building is the floor which is level with the ground. The floor on the next level is called the first floor. In American English, the first floor is the floor which is level with the ground and the next floor up is the second floor.
    英国英语中,ground floor 指“底层;一层”,first floor 指“底层上面的一层,即二层”。美国英语中,first floor 指“底层;一层”,second floor 指“底层上面的一层,即二层”。

    3. (海洋、山谷的)底部
        The ocean floor is the ground at the bottom of an ocean. The valley floor is the ground at the bottom of a valley.

        e.g. They spend hours feeding on the ocean floor.
        e.g. ...a two-hour climb from the valley floor.

    4. 议事厅;(尤指)议员席
        The place where official debates and discussions are held, especially between members of parliament, is referred to as the floor .


        e.g. The issues were debated on the floor of the House.

    5. (辩论或讨论的)听众席
        In a debate or discussion, the floor is the people who are listening to the arguments being put forward but who are not among the main speakers.

        e.g. The president is taking questions from the floor.

    6. (证券)交易大厅,交易所
        The floor of a stock exchange is the large open area where trading is done.

        e.g. ...the dealing floor at Standard Chartered Bank.

    7. 舞池
        The floor in a place such as a club or disco is the area where people dance.

    8. 使困惑;使不知所措
        If you are floored by something, you are unable to respond to it because you are so surprised by it.

        e.g. He was floored by the announcement...
        e.g. He seemed floored by a string of scandals.

    9. (尤指在拳击比赛中)打倒,击倒
        If someone is floored, especially in boxing, they are hit so hard that they fall over.

        e.g. He was floored twice in the second round.

    10. (在辩论或讨论中)发言/给予…发言权
          If you take the floor, you start speaking in a debate or discussion. If you are given the floor, you are allowed to do this.

          e.g. Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule...
          e.g. Only members would be given the floor.

    11. 起舞;开始跳舞
          If you take to the floor, you start dancing at a dance or disco.

          e.g. The happy couple and their respective parents took to the floor.

    12. (价格或销售)突然下滑,陡降
          If you say that prices or sales have fallen through the floor, you mean that they have suddenly decreased.

          e.g. Property prices have dropped through the floor...
          e.g. Last year, sales went through the floor.

    13. 彻底击败;完全打败
          If you wipe the floor with someone, you defeat them completely in a competition or discussion.

          e.g. He could wipe the floor with the Prime Minister.

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